Belizian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Cayo
Registration: 03 October 2010

Costs of moving from U.S. to Belize- Insight needed by TheBradleys
Hello. My husband and I are considering moving to Belize in the next year or so. I am reading everything I can about the country and moving there. We are too young to qualify for the QRP program and don't have the necessary monthly income (however, ...

Connie, I have never paid a bribe in the forty one years I have lived in Belize and I will not start, the minute you do you will keep having to pay bribes. Why were you asked for a bribe? This is a game played on un knowing strangers. Which son did ... Read More

Looking for hotel/place to stay in Corozal by ChandlerB
Hello, My husband and I just booked a trip to Belize June 4th - 11th. This is a fact finding trip for us as we are looking to retire in Corozal. Can anyone give us some recommendations on a place to stay in Corozal? We are not looking for ...

Hello their,after 40 years here in Belize I still do not like Corazol so can`t help you there. Check out the San Ignacio Cayo area, I think you will find you like it their is a lot to do and see and it has more of a town center. Come and check out ... Read More

Sanctuary Bay by coldinalberta
Help! I am currently living in Canada and am looking at investing in Belize for a vacation home and eventually retirement home. We stumbled across Sanctuary Bay and am finding very mixed reports. Does anybody have any information?

Have not heard anything good about it. Read More

Relocating to Belize with Small Children by Lee&Robin
We would like to hear from or be connected to other families that have moved to Belize with small children (under 5). Thanks!

Hello their,I raised both of my sons here. They have found it to be the land of opportunity, they both have their own businesses and do quit well. One owns Mr. Greedy`s pizzeria and one owns Birdwalk realty. I guess it depends on what your idea of ... Read More

Are You A Chicken Little ? by worleyld
Now that word has gotten out among my family and friends that I am planning on moving to Belize and becoming an Expatriate, everyone is asking WHY. Some are calling me Chicken Little, or say I am being Unpatriotic. I thought my answers to ...

Sounds about right to Lenard. Let me know if you want to see land around Bullet Tree as we specialize in this area, also have a nice subdivision with 1 acre lot available. Let me know when you reach and we will have a long talk. #670-6403 Mary Read More

Where to live and operate a business in Belize? by jalaska
Hello everyone, I would like to open a beach bar- coffee in the AM, regular bar in the evenings. This spring my business partner and I will be visiting to scope things out. We would greatly appreciate some suggestions on where we should visit and ...

Check out Hopkins village their is opportunity there it is just starting to take off. Placencia as well, more competition thou. Read More

Still in planning and thinking stage. Want to get familiar with Beliz by serenityplace
Hello. Just in the stage of thinking of becoming expatriate in retirement and Belize is my first choice although I am also exploring a couple of other options. Quiet, laid back kind of person. Love people. Strong Christian but don't force belief ...

Check out the Dan Ignacio area IT IS A NICE LAYED BACK AREA. Read More

Want to meet expats by Belizean@heart
Will be in Belize October 15-24. Would love to meet some expats and newby's. Specifically interested in meeting people on caye Cauler, San Ignacio, Corozal. Thanks and look forward to talking and hopefully meeting.

So what part of Belize are you looking to rent in? Read More

Medication by David1946
If i already have some medication can someone tell me if i can bring it with me or will there be problems with customs. David1946

You will find most of the meds cheaper here than the states. Central drugs in Belize city or Brodies can bring in anything you can`t find at your local drug store. Read More

Want to move to my dream country by jalaska
Hi, My name is Julie and I desparately want to live in a tropical place. I considered island living but think I would rather live on a continent on the Carribean sea and I keep hearing wonderful things about Belize. I hope to make a trip to ...

Hi Julie, I would suggest you check out the BTB AND BTIA sites or belizegovernment.org . San Ignacio and San Pedro have large expat community`s, Corazol has as well. I have lived in Belize for 40 years so if I can help ask away. Mary Read More

interested in moving to Belize by David1946
Hi ihad my eye on Mexico but im hearing too many controversial things so now im interested in Moving to Belize and would like to know what area offers the lowest cost lifestile i know someone here must know that.im a retired Maintenance Mechanic ...

I don`t think the cruse ships do one way, bus or plane. Check out flights to Cancun they are suppose to be cheaper, then you just take a bus from there to Belize, its about 5 hours to the border from Cancun. Have you checked out trip adviser its a ... Read More

Want to meet expats by Belizean@heart
Will be in Belize October 15-24. Would love to meet some expats and newby's. Specifically interested in meeting people on caye Cauler, San Ignacio, Corozal. Thanks and look forward to talking and hopefully meeting.

MR. Greedy`s is a family business, that my sons and I started 3 years ago. Mahogany hall is one of the business and yes I live there. Not home much as I am out on building sites a lot of the time. Mary C. Read More

Want to meet expats by Belizean@heart
Will be in Belize October 15-24. Would love to meet some expats and newby's. Specifically interested in meeting people on caye Cauler, San Ignacio, Corozal. Thanks and look forward to talking and hopefully meeting.

If you were in Bullet Tree then yes you saw our place, and you would have seen the Birdwalk builders sign at Mr. Greedy`s pizzeria on Burns ave. I am sorry you did not stop by, would have liked to meet you. You can email me at marykcariddi@yahoo.com ... Read More

Want to meet expats by Belizean@heart
Will be in Belize October 15-24. Would love to meet some expats and newby's. Specifically interested in meeting people on caye Cauler, San Ignacio, Corozal. Thanks and look forward to talking and hopefully meeting.

Well if you are coming to San Ignacio come see us at Mahogany Hall in Bullet tree village I am usually at M H after 1pm. Read More

Want to meet expats by Belizean@heart
Will be in Belize October 15-24. Would love to meet some expats and newby's. Specifically interested in meeting people on caye Cauler, San Ignacio, Corozal. Thanks and look forward to talking and hopefully meeting.

Why do you want to meet expats, are you thinking of moving here? Read More