Australian expat in Spain
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Barcelona
Speaks English, Maltese, Catalan, Spanish
Registration: 14 February 2011

Retirement cheques from abroad by Paganos
Anyone know how/where etc I can deposit a retirement cheque? My bank doesn't except international cheques and foreign money as with some other banks I have inquired with. Having so much hassles trying to bank my retirement money. Any help is ...

My brother lives in Oz but I still have to have an account there to be able to deposit it. Anyway, he couldn't do it as the cheque is under my name, I need to do it personally as it is above a certain amount. I am waiting for La Caixa to get ... Read More

Retirement cheques from abroad by Paganos
Anyone know how/where etc I can deposit a retirement cheque? My bank doesn't except international cheques and foreign money as with some other banks I have inquired with. Having so much hassles trying to bank my retirement money. Any help is ...

I already spoke with them and asked if they can transfer the money. Their policy is .... only Australian residents can have their money transfered. Anyone abroad will only receive a cheque. You are right, cheques are becoming obsolete but it is ... Read More

Retirement cheques from abroad by Paganos
Anyone know how/where etc I can deposit a retirement cheque? My bank doesn't except international cheques and foreign money as with some other banks I have inquired with. Having so much hassles trying to bank my retirement money. Any help is ...

The Australian fund will not transfer the money and they only issue checks. As for having a bank account in Australia, this a can't do. I have to be a resident there to open an account. Read More

Retirement cheques from abroad
Anyone know how/where etc I can deposit a retirement cheque? My bank doesn't except international cheques and foreign money as with some other banks I have inquired with. Having so much hassles trying to bank my retirement money. Any help is ... Read More

Volunteering in Spain by Maximilien
Hi, While living abroad, some expats wish to get involved in the local community life. What organizations expats can turn to if they want to volunteer in Spain? How to join a charitable institution, what are the steps? Which causes have ...

I would love to volunteer in the "up keep" of historical buildings. I have seen so many beautiful sites where it has been left to rot due to no funds. As an Anthropologist, this is something I would greatly be interested in. Unfortunately, ... Read More

Safety in Spain by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Spain? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there is ...

You will get the good and the bad wherever you go. In Paris I was mugged by two men and in Madrid I was fooled by a group of teens and had my mobile stolen. Even though I say it is safe here in Barcelona, you just don´t know what you will bump ... Read More

Safety in Spain by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Spain? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there is ...

I live in an area where there are lots of Moroccans but I have to admit that the safety near and around my area is quite safe. My friends daughter walks her dog late in the night and if I had to choose how safe it is between my home country and ... Read More

Racism in Barcelona. by EdMontreal
I normally prefer posting things that are positive, but unfortunately this one is not one of those. As I explained, I am Canadian/Mexican. If you see my picture you will understand what I am talking about. Anyway, since I am in Spain I have received ...

I understood what Kezmoh said in her post and she was trying to word her thoughts in a respectful way. There is no need to attack the person. This is not a place to start arguments. Read More

Racism in Barcelona. by EdMontreal
I normally prefer posting things that are positive, but unfortunately this one is not one of those. As I explained, I am Canadian/Mexican. If you see my picture you will understand what I am talking about. Anyway, since I am in Spain I have received ...

Yes, it is a shame that this has happened to you. I have been living here for 5 years and I also have come across this. But please keep in mind that the people that have treated me this way were not Catalan. I agree that the Catalan people are not ... Read More

Expat blog meetup - Friday 11th November by JPope
So, we haven't had an expat meetup from this forum for a while (that actually happens and people come to), so let's have one! We'll be meeting on the 11th November: London Bar, C/ Nou de la Rambla, 34 at about 8pm. Anyone who fancies coming ...

I'm in. Looking forward to it. Read More

How I currently feel living in Barcelona by Paganos
Well, it has been 4 years now living in BCN and I have to say that in those years I have found that people here can be rude, the service is awful, restaurants need health inspectors to check out their establishments, (food poisoning 3 times) - food ...

Thanks for your comments. I have encountered some nice people but overall, I guess I have been a little unlucky. I have met many people in the 4 years Read More

How I currently feel living in Barcelona
Well, it has been 4 years now living in BCN and I have to say that in those years I have found that people here can be rude, the service is awful, restaurants need health inspectors to check out their establishments, (food poisoning 3 times) - food ... Read More

Orange customer service english speaking
The one thing I find that is so frustrating is the lack of English here in Spain. I understand that this is not an English Speaking country and respect that but what about people who are working here from other countries and have limited spanish ... Read More

Where to cash American Express Checks in Barcelona?? by mcjabb
Hi, Before I left Chicago 2 weeks ago I changed in a few thousand dollars of US cash into American Express travelers checks. Long story short I have been having a hard time finding a place to exchange these checks into Euros for me. I'm at a loss ...

Brian, I don't know if you have already cashed the checks in and if you had you are lucky. American Express cheques are not really popular here as a few years ago there was a big case of fraud regarding travellers cheques. It is still going now. I ... Read More

Writers in Barcelona by Paganos
Greetings, Look for English writers in Barcelona. I am starting a project to collate short stories from English writers living in Barcelona. Independent writers to help promote their work. I am a published writer. My blog: ...

Hi Life's good and I'm sure it is living in wonderful BCN LOL... It will also be a good way to meet other people. I did this last year with a group of 12 people. Though they were not from here. Depending on the amount of people I get it could either ... Read More