Expat Joe
French expat in Lebanon
Forum posts
About me
French, In a relationship
Lives in Beirut, Beyrouth
Speaks English, French, Arabic and Italian
Registration: 23 May 2009

Repatriating pets to US, need Libya Ministry Certificate of Health by Padrino
I'm going to bring my pets obtained in Libya back to the US with me 'when the time comes'. The US requires I get, and I'll quote: "Current Health Certificate issued by a full-time salaried veterinarian of the agency responsible for animal health of ...

Hi. You can also contact Marwan Omar on this email: mrwan_vet001@yahoo.com He's a libyan vet and can get you the needed certificate. Cheers Read More

car rental in Libya by nosmelc
The net isnt much help! can anyone give me an idea if there are long term rental companies in Tripoli similar to Bahrain Dubai etc.? the prices quoted by the normal "holiday rental" type companies is expensive for a long term scenario. and if there ...

Hi there, AVIS, HERTZ and SIXT are operating in Libya. In addition you can find a gret deal of local rental companies providing long term rental. The montly prices for a leasing agreement starts around 850LYD for a nissan sunny or ... Read More

My 1st day in Tripoli by ibngabal
Its 1:30 PM, the captain announced that we reached Tripoli and the temperature was 16o C. The weather is cloudy. The seen from up is 70% green land. I felt a flavor of a European country. However the Airplane landed in a very small Airport and the ...

Welcome to Tripoli..... This is only a snapshot !! Watch out for more ;-) Read More

newbie communications question by LibyanJag
Hello. I'm heading out to Libya v. soon and while I plan to use skype in the long term to stay in touch with the folks back home, I wonder what are the best options when I arrive at first and probably won't have an internet connection up and ...

I don't think 10LD gets you unlimited data with Al Madar. It gets you 45 hours which expire at the end of the month. http://www.almadar.ly/Service/default.aspx?s_id=361 Libyana charges by the kb for data.True.... It used to be 10LD per month ... Read More

newbie communications question by LibyanJag
Hello. I'm heading out to Libya v. soon and while I plan to use skype in the long term to stay in touch with the folks back home, I wonder what are the best options when I arrive at first and probably won't have an internet connection up and ...

thanks for that sandman - i've been reading the forum for several weeks now and wimax def looks like the right option I'm really talking about the first short period before I can get that organised - I assume using UK mobiles on roam is hideously ... Read More

Be warned - New law for expat drivers by Mudman
Apparently a new law was passed 2 days ago banning expats from driving a car with Libyan plates (ie , no blue number). I know of 2 people who had their cars taken from them yesterday , Thurs 18th, (1 by the police station near Regatta)and they had ...

New offense in Libya => DWE: Driving While Expat Read More

Schengen status latest??? by AAAfrica
Anyone heard anymore about what the next move will be with the visa status? Thanks

Italians and Maltese holders of "Manager" or "Engineer" business visas are entering again without problems. A italian friend of mine just made it yesterday. What I've heard from the french embassy is that french families (wife & kids) are allowed ... Read More

Personal Assistant by andrea888
Hi.. What is the salary range for a P.A. with a + 3 years experience working with Executives in Dubai... What is the accommodation like? Sharing or studio apartments? Highly appreciate your response!! Thanks a lot!

Well Andrea, the mentionned salary was one of a local employee. Like all other places, expat salaries are higher than local ones. Salaries in Libya vary a lot, from sector to sector, and from expat to local. What would be an option is to negociate ... Read More

Personal Assistant by andrea888
Hi.. What is the salary range for a P.A. with a + 3 years experience working with Executives in Dubai... What is the accommodation like? Sharing or studio apartments? Highly appreciate your response!! Thanks a lot!

Hello Andrea, The PA in our company is getting 1000 LYD/month. She is libyan, and his hired on a local contract basis. However in the oil sector, salaries can be 20 to 50% more. Hope this helps Read More

car license plate (number plate) definition by engineer12345
Hi All , I need number plate definition of cars here in Libya . Would you please help me ? regards

White plates with a blue square with a number on the right are vehicles owned by foreign registered companies, eg a blue square with a 12 is the Libyan branch of a German company.It can also be a private car owned by a forein person. 11 - Egypt 12 ... Read More

Ham/Pork by mp_garcia
Hi all!!, I know I can´t bring booze to Tripoli, but I´m not quite sure about Ham (Iberican). Will I have any problems at the airport? Is it prohibited, or they just don´t eat it? Thanx in advance.

I also brought back 2 kgs of different pork meat(salami, jamon, sausages...) without any issues at the airport customs. Read More

Tents in Tripoli by tonyrfsa
Does anyone who where to buy tents and camping gear in Tripoli?

LOL @ Ima (not laughing at you but at the situation) I'll look for these magical tents which block my way home!Well Tony you don't need to hang around much to cross one of those famous tents !! Weeding, Funeral.... any occasion is worth settin it up Read More

Link to open youtube by hamid2010
hey with this link u can open youtube excellentunblock.info cheers

Hi Hamid, Just tried it and it works... 10x for the link. Read More

Any place for swimming laps? by TexasAggie
... in Tripoli?

I believe the only indoor pool is at the Corinthia hotel, I am still checking out whether any of the outdoor ones here are heated or not.I've heard the Radisson has an outdoor heated pool... Read More

Tents in Tripoli by tonyrfsa
Does anyone who where to buy tents and camping gear in Tripoli?

Hi, There is several sports shops where you can find camping gear. And you will surely find it in the ACE shop in Tajoora, on the coastal road, 200m after the first traffic light. Read More