


Jamaican looking for information about Indonesia

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Padang, West Sumatra

Speaks English

Registration: 15 October 2017


Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
last year

Buy land legally in Bali with me as a nominee by Fred

I have just read yet another set of sites that offer nominee schemes to idiots, so I thought I'd set up my own because I like easy money.You essentially own the land but it's all in the name of an Indonesian citizen (me). You can rest assured I ...


Good night Mr Fred I have to say that you are always on top of everything in Indonesia. I always like to read your post. I really appreciate all the information that you have been posting.Trying to make up my mind to start spending 3 .oaths at a ... Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
3 years ago

Moving to Indonesia solo by Cheryl

Hello everybody, Moving to Indonesia is a challenge in itself, but even more when you decide to go alone. If this was your case when you arrived, we would like you to share your experience. It might help other people who are also preparing for ...


Very good reading. I enjoyed reading every bit of your story. Thanks for sharing. Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
4 years ago

The mother of fast food has died by Fred The woman behind instant noodle giant Indomie's iconic "mi goreng" flavour has passed away at the age of 59. Tributes poured out for Nunuk Nuraini, who worked as a flavour development ...


Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon " To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return" Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Is this young Moroccan man playing with me? by GuestPoster7420

I met a young Moroccan man in a ” social media forum” a few month ago and we emediately hit it off. We began speaking every day. I’ve been to Morocco and visit him and his family. I am soon going back but are now having second ...


Sad to say its not only the Moroccan men but the women are also the same. Sells a few years of their life for a green or citizenship of USA or any western or European countries then go back and marry their sweetheart. Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
4 years ago

COVID-19 and expatriation in Indonesia by Loïc

Hello everybody, The COVID-19 crisis inevitably impacts Indonesia, between closed airports or periods of containment in some cities or even the entire country . We would like to hear from you during this unusual period, to find out what the ...


Well for my wife and I living in USA and both in healthcare we see that none of the management here cares about ppe. So as soon as it all clears up and we can travel freely. We will be out by end of year to the land that I so long to live in ... Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
4 years ago
Azam Afzal

Can i get visa of indonesia without Bank account ? by Azam Afzal

Hi to everyone, I'm from pakistan living in UAE Sharjah , i want to go indonesia as a visitor , can i get visa for indonesia from UAE without bank account . I read alot of line about A bank statement as a required Dacuments, but i don't ...


Asalaamu alaikum brother 1million Indonesian rupiah is only US$100. Sad to say when we go home as I call Indonesia my home we spend that in less than a month. Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Mixed Marriage Mahar or Dowry for Moroccan Girl from Foreign Husband by GuestPoster229

Assalamualaikom, I want to ask how much the minimum total cost in Dirham for Mahr or dowry I can give to a Moroccan Girl or her family in order for them to approve my marriage with my Moroccan Girl of my life.

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Moroccan Man by katelynnsmith

Hello, I need help. I have been talking to a Moroccan man for 15 months he is almost 30. Things have been great until he asked me for $22K to show him that I trust him. He said that is a condition. He has no job and I have been taking care of him ...

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Wood, and where to get it. by BillyTea

I just got back to Perth from Bali yesterday. While I was there I decided to build a couple of things in wood. I didn't really have time to look around for wood merchants, but from what I've seen, there doesn't seem to be a lot of ...


Hi is there pressure treated lumber in Indonesia ( wolmanized lumber) . Also called green lumber because of color after the wolmanization process. Thanks Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Why are there many abandoned wives and children in Indonesia? by MeloKeyz

Dear all, I am working in IT Systems Engineering and currently considering moving to either semarang or Bali. I got an offer from Mariott hotel in Bali with a decent pay. However, this is not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about getting ...


Alot of women on these dating sites have a truck load of hard luck stories. I've been scammed by a few from Indonesia, and still more from Morocco. Why because I was new to these sites and didn't know that people could be so wicked to ... Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Holiday apartment by GuestPoster3582

Hi D Can anyone recommend somewhere for my moroccan boyfriend and myself to stay for a holiday please. We are not yet married


It's easy to find an apartment. One girl told me all you have to do is ask around when you get to your destination. One says just ask the taxi driver. But another one found us a place very fast for her, her girlfriend and I. Geat time it was. Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
5 years ago
The Happy Migrant

If you could live anywhere, where would you choose? by The Happy Migrant

Personally I am loving everything that Australia has to offer at the moment. Kama


I would move to the country parts of Indonesia in a heart beat. Live off the land. Plant my own fruit trees. Grow my own vegetables raise my own chicken, goat, cows and go fishing. Yes and run my house off solar panels. It's the life I'm ... Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
6 years ago

My Travels in West Sumatra by Hansson

Sumatra is one of my favorite parts of Indonesia particularly as many people tend not to go there, choosing instead the idyllic island paradise of Bali; Yogya and Magelang with the Borobudur and Prambanan temples and well known Mount Bromo. As with ...


Good day Sazid CAn i get your information so i can get in touch with you whenever I get there. Thanks Sonnyag Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
6 years ago

Mixed Marriage Mahar or Dowry for Moroccan Girl from Foreign Husband by GuestPoster229

Assalamualaikom, I want to ask how much the minimum total cost in Dirham for Mahr or dowry I can give to a Moroccan Girl or her family in order for them to approve my marriage with my Moroccan Girl of my life.


I was told the same thing in Casablanca by this girl's brother that engagement ring cannot be less than US$2000 and also i must have my own house. While he marries American girl in NY who is filing papers for him and is renting an apartment. ... Read More

Sonnyag6 replied to a thread
6 years ago

Mixed Marriage Mahar or Dowry for Moroccan Girl from Foreign Husband by GuestPoster229

Assalamualaikom, I want to ask how much the minimum total cost in Dirham for Mahr or dowry I can give to a Moroccan Girl or her family in order for them to approve my marriage with my Moroccan Girl of my life.


It means western women will be more inclined to accept you for who and what you are, while these women are more materialistic and wants a comfortable life without putting anything in its making. Read More