Nielsen Flute

Nielsen Flute

Active member

American citizen

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Washington D.C., District of C

Registration: 06 November 2018


Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
4 years ago

Is the vietnamcupid dating site legit by HenryJo

I joined yesterday. Today, found my inbox swamped with messages 'from girls'. Have a slight suspicion that not all the messages may be legit. Perhaps, to temp me in to signing-up for the paid subscriptions? Can anyone using the paid ...

Nielsen Flute

Vietnam Cupid is the absolute worst dating site in Vietnam. Nothing but bots, scammers, hookers, retired pros, and formerly promiscuous women in redemption. A real waste of 40 dollars. I'd recommend Tinder. Much more mainstream and you can ... Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
4 years ago

Is the vietnamcupid dating site legit by HenryJo

I joined yesterday. Today, found my inbox swamped with messages 'from girls'. Have a slight suspicion that not all the messages may be legit. Perhaps, to temp me in to signing-up for the paid subscriptions? Can anyone using the paid ...

Nielsen Flute

Vietnam Cupid is the absolute worst dating site in Vietnam. Nothing but bots, scammers, hookers, retired pros, and formerly promiscuous women in redemption. A real waste of 40 dollars. I'd recommend Tinder. Much more mainstream and you can ... Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago

Marriage to a Vietnamese Woman by Guestposter822

Just interested to hear about peoples experiences married to a Vietnamese woman, more so for marriages that have lasted longer than say 3 years...

Nielsen Flute

I don't see the purpose or point of marrying a woman here.Curious opinion. If you not see the purpose or point of marrying a woman here, then you don't see the point of marrying a woman in general.How did you come up with that logic, genius? Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago

Marriage to a Vietnamese Woman by Guestposter822

Just interested to hear about peoples experiences married to a Vietnamese woman, more so for marriages that have lasted longer than say 3 years...

Nielsen Flute

I don't see the purpose or point of marrying a woman here. Stay single and keep it casual.Some may do that, but many will want to get married.Maybe it's a Saigon thing but all the married expat-viet couples I see here look stressed and ... Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago

Marriage to a Vietnamese Woman by Guestposter822

Just interested to hear about peoples experiences married to a Vietnamese woman, more so for marriages that have lasted longer than say 3 years...

Nielsen Flute

I don't see the purpose or point of marrying a woman here. Stay single and keep it casual. Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago
Helene gathering in Saigon - September 26 (Ambassador needed) by Helene

Hello all :cheers: We are back in the city! Let’s meet up at Speakeasy in Saigon on Thursday, September 26 from 6pm. Vietnamese or new expat, resident or about to move away, it is a perfect occasion to meet new people from all around the ...

Nielsen Flute

I really wanna come to this but you guys chose a not so great venue -- Speakeasy in q7. Much better bars in the surrounding area. Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago

Vietnam #2 by Canman63

Top expat destinations in the world for 2019 has Vietnam second behind Taiwan.

Nielsen Flute

Where are all these expats living? Probably holed up in Thao Dien or Pham Ngu Lao. This city doesn't need anymore foreigners. Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago

Business visa denied due to "violating laws of Vietnam" - Blacklisted? by kowloon2020

Hello, I am from Western Europe, working in Hong Kong and I applied for a 3-month Vietnam business visa via an agency. I got an email from the agent telling me that I was denied, as the immigration told them "I have violated the laws of ...

Nielsen Flute

I was personally advised against getting a 1 year visa recently because, according to my agent, there's a huge investigation underway at the immigration office for those who have been staying without a TRC / VEC and many have found themselves on ... Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago
Nielsen Flute

Why do expats continue to move, live, and retire in the Philippines? by Nielsen Flute

This country has so many strikes against it that no sane person should negotiate with. Let's begin. Low quality of life and high costs. Even in Cebu now for a small studio rent is 25k for a cramped space with no internet / cable. Value for ...

Nielsen Flute

It'd be nice to see some demographics / age / which city you're living in. My suspicion is that only guys ages 40++ who live outside major metro areas with their families and limited exposure to expats have the positive experiences and nice ... Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago
Nielsen Flute

Why do expats continue to move, live, and retire in the Philippines? by Nielsen Flute

This country has so many strikes against it that no sane person should negotiate with. Let's begin. Low quality of life and high costs. Even in Cebu now for a small studio rent is 25k for a cramped space with no internet / cable. Value for ...

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago
Nielsen Flute

Why do expats continue to move, live, and retire in the Philippines? by Nielsen Flute

This country has so many strikes against it that no sane person should negotiate with. Let's begin. Low quality of life and high costs. Even in Cebu now for a small studio rent is 25k for a cramped space with no internet / cable. Value for ...

Nielsen Flute

I still have a lot of hate and rage toward that country and those people. The least I can do is warn people about them. Read More

Nielsen Flute created a thread
5 years ago

Why do expats continue to move, live, and retire in the Philippines?

This country has so many strikes against it that no sane person should negotiate with. Let's begin. Low quality of life and high costs. Even in Cebu now for a small studio rent is 25k for a cramped space with no internet / cable. Value for ... Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago

Where do expats hang out during the day? by Lovingherlife

Hey I am new and wanting to get social in Ho Chi Minh. I am in District 1. Please post some cool hang out spots in the District 1 area or close by that you know have a lot of expats or english speaking people that hang out and socialize. I am a ...

Nielsen Flute

I normally don't socialize with expats bc of varying reasons but if you wander into the backpacker ghettos of pham ngu lao, bui vien and thao dien there are countless bars like Broma or Chill Sky Bar etc with plenty of foreigners that are ... Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago

What to do in Manila? by anamp90

Hello everybody. I'm in Manila for a month for business travel. I would like to know which places would you recommend to visit on the city, for shopping, touristic places, and what's the best way to go there. Taxi? I'm not seeing many ...

Nielsen Flute

Burgos / Malate / Pasay EDSA are the only things to do in that fallen city Read More

Nielsen Flute replied to a thread
5 years ago
Anne-Lise Mty

Why expats love Vietnam? by Anne-Lise Mty

Hi everyone, I'm Anne-Lise from the team. In a survey we ran on expatriation trends in 2019, we realised that a lot of professionals were considering Vietnam as an expat destination. We, therefore, decided to put together a little ...

Nielsen Flute

This is my third visit to Vietnam. Warm weather, good healthy food (International dishes as well), nice people, safe, low rent, and generally lower cost of living. Had girlfriend in HCM. Good looking and in my general age range. However, she was ... Read More