


American expat in Dominican Republic

Forum posts


About me


Registration: 13 March 2023


crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Waste Management in Dominican Republic by Cheryl

Hello everyone, As an expat in Dominican Republic, waste management can often pose challenges and requires an understanding of local standards and regulations. Understanding local practices is essential for environmental compliance and seamless ...


My wife and I have a house en el campo outside of La Vega. The garbage guys come around every week and empty our two 55-gallon garbage cans. I have no idea where it goes. 16 USD/month. Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Ship my car or buy one in the DR? by GregInTheDR

First and foremost, it’s my first post to the forum. I’ve used this site as a reference and it contains a wealth of information. Thank you So here’s the plan - I’m buying a condo in preconstruction in Santo Domingo Este - ...


@windeguy ... guess what?  those problems occur with the American spec GDI motor...if you buy a car imported by the local dealers you get an engine that is called a DOCH, which is bullet proof.. sometimes buying locally has its upside. ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Best International Shipping Options? by auburnallycelucas

Hey everyone. I ship many materials from the US to the DR for my company. The latest shipment through CPS was 30lbs and costs almost 10,000 DOP. I have also tried Vimenpaq. Does anyone have suggestions for more affordable shipping companies? If you ...


@auburnallycelucas I ship with Traino Express. They charge about $5 a pound, which would have saved you some.With luck, someone will know of a reshipper with lower fees for heavy items. Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Amazon ordering by annamayking19

how does Amazon work in Las Terrenas? Where does it get shipped to? Does it take long? Any info would be great.


Don't forget to talk to Amazon's state tax department. Items shipped to a reshipper that sends them out-of-country don't need to pay state sales tax. Amazon will set up your account so you don't get charged that tax. Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Buying a clothes washer by crabelramble

Our clothes washer died, and we need to buy a new one. Unsurprisingly, the clothes washer market here differs from the US. The big difference is that I can not find any "data" on the reliability of the different makes and models sold here. Does ...


Thanks for all the info. We're in La Vega. My wife has back issues. She had an old Nedoca automatic top loader that finally died. Her back issues act up now that she has to use an almost-dead twin-tub semi-auto. I guess a new Samsung model top ... Read More

crabelramble created a thread
last year

Buying a clothes washer

Our clothes washer died, and we need to buy a new one. Unsurprisingly, the clothes washer market here differs from the US. The big difference is that I can not find any "data" on the reliability of the different makes and models sold here. Does ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Facebook Marketplace by Brewpub56

In the US, FB marketplace is a huge scammer site. Basically worthless imho. My friend tells me it actually works pretty well in DR. Anyone have any positive experiences using it to buy or sell household items?


Why are many things on FB Marketplace listed as "free' or $1 when you know that can't possibly be the right price? What's the game being played? -@gainkeeperThe weasels are out fishing for suckers. Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Solar energy by jmorac

I just got a house in Punta Cana And I will like to install solar Pannels And batteries . My estimated daily consumption will be 60 KW per day . Any sugestion on who can provide it and install it?


    I dropped the ball on this post, sorry folks.  A quick update for residential solar users in the CEPM electrical area.  With much support and perseverance, a group of users was able to overturn CEPM's illegal decision through ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Starlink Internet in the Dominican Republic Update … by Ian1272

Great news for those with poor internet service/provider for all that reside in the Dominican Republic.


@dbhford Need a few to get proper signal support/strength?? Doesn't affect electricity bill much for Dominicans does it??? -@ShestheoneAs always, the answer is, "It depends!"Each unit uses electricity, probably less than 10 watts. ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Starlink Internet in the Dominican Republic Update … by Ian1272

Great news for those with poor internet service/provider for all that reside in the Dominican Republic.


Ours is up and running! As everyone has said, installation is a breeze as long as you have a location without obstructions. You plunk it down pointing in about the right direction, plug it in, and about 6 hours later, after it's figured out where it ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Starlink Internet in the Dominican Republic Update … by Ian1272

Great news for those with poor internet service/provider for all that reside in the Dominican Republic.


Quick heads up!You only get a 50' cable with the Standard dish you order on the Dominican Starlink site.Also, it's worth it to shop Amazon for any accessories that you want to order for your new dish. Even with paying the package forwarding fees, ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Starlink Internet in the Dominican Republic Update … by Ian1272

Great news for those with poor internet service/provider for all that reside in the Dominican Republic.


   The only negative about Starlink is its customer service. There is no way to call or email them...        -@ddmcgheeAn amazing FU gesture to its customers by Starlink! FWIW, YouTube has some useful videos with ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Starlink Internet in the Dominican Republic Update … by Ian1272

Great news for those with poor internet service/provider for all that reside in the Dominican Republic.


I ordered Starlink a couple of weeks ago. It has arrived in the DR but has not yet been delivered to my house.I just looked at the Statement in my app and saw that I paid DOP28,440.00 for the equipment and what I assume to be a month's service. Does ... Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

3 Month/6 Month Passport Validity Rule by Brewpub56

We fly on 12/5/23. I just realized that my passport expires in April 2024 (4 months validity) and my husband's in May 2024 (5 months validity). We both have empty pages so that's not an issue.Everything I find on line indicates that RD follows the 3 ...


And I heard that you can believe everything you heard on the news. Read More

crabelramble replied to a thread
last year

Electrical Wiring in our Dominican House by raymondlbest

I understand that the electrical supply company has blown the electrics 3 X in our house in Puerto Plata.Is there a qualified electrician who can check this out and put things right ?


Just a note. Remember, you are in the Dominican Republic. Anyone can call themselves an electrician. The Dominican Republic doesn't have a standardized, nationwide system for the licensing of electricians. any Tom, Dick, or Harry can call themselves ... Read More