Australian expat in Morocco
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Z
Registration: 14 April 2023

Marriage Process in Morocco: What to Expect During Police Interviews by JosephE1!
What does the Moroccan police ask during the marriage process in Morocco when being individually interviewed by the police, for a foreigner (British Moroccan with no Moroccan passport or ID, just an English passport) and a Moroccan woman from ...

@Rondainmarrakesch I meant a new one to me that I've never heard before. Not that it's never been asked before. It's not a common question based on my personal experience with my own marriage and the 100+ couples we've worked with. Only one couple ... Read More

Marriage Process in Morocco: What to Expect During Police Interviews by JosephE1!
What does the Moroccan police ask during the marriage process in Morocco when being individually interviewed by the police, for a foreigner (British Moroccan with no Moroccan passport or ID, just an English passport) and a Moroccan woman from ...

Heard a new one for the first time.. The police asked the man in front of his Moroccan partner and her father during the interview;Have you 2 had premarital sex? This was in Khemisset. A small town. So be prepared for any kind of questions even if ... Read More

Marriage procedures and documentation required by Mizanurdonia
Hi I am an Indian citizen I wish to marry a Moroccan girl with whom I am engaged to I contacted the Indian embassy in Rabat they asked me to get three papers duly signed and stamped by the ministry of external affairs which are almost done and I am ...

@GuestPoster2236 Indian embassy in Rabat won't give you capacity of marriage certificate you have to get it from the Indian embassy in UKIndian Citizens who have contacted us for help with this are having the same issue. The reason embassies don't ... Read More

Process of British Citizen Marrying a Moroccan Citizen by Karim52
British Marrying a MoroccanBefore Leaving the UK: Buy a folder and put these documents in it:1. Certificate of no impediment (from local registry office in UK). This takes at least 28days, because they need to display a public notice of intent to ...

@AH3189 Also I live and work in Qatar will I need a police report from qatar or the DBS is sufficient? I have also heard of a certificate of residence?It is necessary for you to request your partner to visit an adoul in Rabat in order to verify the ... Read More

Is British Consulate closed for public in Rabat? by a7mdslm
Hi all, I hope you are doing very well is this difficult time. Just wondering If I am able to get the paper required for marriage in Morocco from the British Consulate. I tried to book an appointment online but seems there is no any. I sent an ...

Unfortunately so many are having this issue. As of yesterday the earliest appointments in both Rabat and Marrakech is October and they are filling up fast.The only thing people can do is check back everyday in the case of a cancelation or more ... Read More

Process of British Citizen Marrying a Moroccan Citizen by Karim52
British Marrying a MoroccanBefore Leaving the UK: Buy a folder and put these documents in it:1. Certificate of no impediment (from local registry office in UK). This takes at least 28days, because they need to display a public notice of intent to ...

Certificate of no impediment (from local registry office in UK).You don't need to obtain this in the UK if you also have an Embassy appointment in Morocco to obtain the Affirmation of marital status. The embassy provide the Affirmation of marital ... Read More

Morocco Marriage Process by jd221279
HiHaving used this forum for help with the marriage process in Morocco, I thought I would share my own experience to help anyone else who needs it. Sorry for the long post but I will try to be as detailed as possible as I know it was the super ...

@Fati93 the link is https://casierjudiciaire.justice.gov.ma/Accueil.aspx?culture=fr-FR However if you are in Rabat it can be obtained in person on the same day if you apply early enough. In our experience its more reliable applying in Person rather ... Read More

Marriage issues - Morocco by laurencej96
I arrived in Marrakech and started getting together my final documents.I attended the British Embassy and obtained my two documents from them. I then went to the adoul to see what was required in terms of my certificate of islam was concerned. E.g ...

You can obtain the embassy documents from either Rabat or Marrakesh. If you're unable to find an appointment, make sure to check every day. The appointment availability at the British embassy is quite disappointing, but based on my experience, there ... Read More

New Zealand / Moroccan mixed marriage by Hirubia
Hi Guys, I would really appreciate some help regarding mixed marriage in Morocco! I have read and gathered a lot of information thanks to the people on this forum but not many NZ/Moroccan cases, so I still have a lot of confusion regarding the ...

@ihsanmo24 No. Australian Embassy provides notarial services only for Australian documents. The certificate of no impediment will require authentication and apostille in New Zealand before you come to Morocco.When you are in Morocco it will need ... Read More

HOW TO : Foreigner to Marry a Moroccan. Step by step instructions. by summerlee7
Hi everyone. Ive noticed that alot of people ask for help re mixed marriage in Morocco. Here is my own personal experience that i want to share. Some information you might want to know is that im from New Zealand and my partner is Moroccan and ...

@ihsanmo24 I have replied to your other post here https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=949043#5688073 for information regarding obtaining your Certificate of No Impediment in New Zealand before coming to Morocco. Read More

New Zealand / Moroccan mixed marriage by Hirubia
Hi Guys, I would really appreciate some help regarding mixed marriage in Morocco! I have read and gathered a lot of information thanks to the people on this forum but not many NZ/Moroccan cases, so I still have a lot of confusion regarding the ...

@ihsanmo24 Since there is no Embassy or Consulate of New Zealand in Morocco, you will need to obtain the certificate of no impediment to marriage prior to your departure from New Zealand.For more details and to apply for the certificate, please ... Read More

Proving Earnings for Marriage in Morocco with Investment Portfolio by JosephE1!
Hi all,I am half-Moroccan with only a British passport, and I plan to marry my fiancée in Morocco under (non-Moroccan/foreigner marry to Moroccan national women). However, I need to provide proof of earnings, bank statements, and pay slips to ...

@JosephE1! To ensure that you bring the correct paperwork for your situation, you must ask your partner to visit an adoul in her city, which is the same city mentioned in her address on her national ID card. It is important for her to explain the ... Read More

Divorcing a uk national by Fatiha Lasmak
Hi all I am a moroccan national my husband is a English national we came from the uk to Morocco in March 2011.after 3 days he left me here and have not seen him since. I have spoken to him on the phone 2 years ago but he refuses to sign a divorce ...

@Belt99 because that someone understands well about the procedures of Morocco.Anyone who wants to divorce must ask the court's authorization to draw up a divorce act by two authorized Adouls assigned for this ... Read More

Divorcing a uk national by Fatiha Lasmak
Hi all I am a moroccan national my husband is a English national we came from the uk to Morocco in March 2011.after 3 days he left me here and have not seen him since. I have spoken to him on the phone 2 years ago but he refuses to sign a divorce ...

@Fatiha Lasmak If you are in Morocco and this was a moroccan marriage you should contact an adoul for assistance. The court will issue a divorce in the case of abandonment. The court will try to make contact with him but if they can't they will ... Read More

Mixed Marriage Process in Morocco by jess1406
Hi everybody, I am a British female who has recently married my Moroccan fiancé in September 2016. I wanted to write a post on an up to date process to help those who are in a similar situation going through the process or planning to get ...

@Ha Gu60 The ACRO Police Certificate must be no older than 3 months when you submit it to the adoul. It is important to ensure that it is within the 3-month timeframe to avoid any complications.However, in saying that, in Morocco, while there are ... Read More