American expat in Belize
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Registration: 15 January 2024

How is Ladyville by belizeboundgirl
Hello,Looking to travel to Ladyville in November to look at some land... can someone tell me about the area? Easy to get around, housing, etc.Thanks

@belizeboundgirl Ladyville is home to the airport and like most areas around international airports can have more noise and traffic than areas further out. It would not be my first choice for purchasing land, but the airport makes a good landing ... Read More

Transfer Tax by jpjones402
Is there a time limit from closing and pay the transfer tax?

@jpjones402 I hope that your buyer is using a reputable closing agent. With a paralegal or competent attorney it's been taking about 3 months for title transfer of properties in a registered section. In non-registered sections with a deed of ... Read More

Is there a demand for affordable housing in Belize? by jaredscott
I've been considering moving to Belize for a few years. I've noticed that housing prices have increased steadily since I've been paying attention. I specialize in Flexible-Form Rammed Earth construction. I can build these energy-efficient ...

@jaredscott if you're thinking of starting your own home building company, look up the requirements for starting a business in Belize and review the IRS guides on Foreign Earned Income and reporting requirements while living abroad as background ... Read More

Advice on real estate in Belize by Rickblanchard
hello , i plan to live in Belize in 4 years, upon retirement i have been researching heavily and been there once, in February going back in 2 weeks for a second visit stayed in Ambergris in Feb and will be in Hopkins this time ...

@Rickblanchard I'll add that there is plenty of fishing in the Corozal area, but I don't see a lot fly fishing. I've never fly fished, so perhaps it's just not the preferred method for the folks we know. Lagoon fishing, inshore, and near shore are ... Read More

Transfer Tax by jpjones402
Is there a time limit from closing and pay the transfer tax?

@jpjones402 I'm not sure your question or the specifics of the situation (are you the buyer or seller, using a real estate agent, private sale, land contract, etc). A purchase and sale agreement can be completed on your own, but a closing attorney ... Read More

Moving to Belize with Criminal Record by cmarshall0312
Does anyone here know or have experience with this. I am in recovery from drug addiction, been sober several years now however I do have a record for nothing serious, just minor offenses. Felonies, Class D felonies in the state of Alabama which is ...

@cmarshall0312 Not personal experience, but have known others who had a similar story. They chose to just renew their visitor permit each month. Read More

Transfer Tax by jpjones402
Is there a time limit from closing and pay the transfer tax?

@jpjones402 stamp duty is usually included as part of the closing and is paid when the transfer paperwork is filed. If you are talking about an owner financing situation or land contract, the stamp duty is paid when the land certificate is ... Read More

Pharmacy, drs, post office by jani1622
I'm thinking of moving to Sarteneja. I will need each of these, pharmacy, drs and a post office. Are there any around? Medical checkups bcause of asthma, women issues, routine physicals, etc. I take prescriptions, so will need them filled. I'll ...

@jani1622 Sarteneja is growing, but is a rural village. In our experience, in most rural areas of Belize you have to travel into a larger town for these needs. Occasionally there will be a health clinic that is open certain days of the week/month ... Read More

I received this eMail from the US Embassy in Belize by Aerodex
"Security Alert – State of Emergency Extended Until September 24, 2024Location: Belize Event: The Government of Belize extended the State of Emergency (SOE) issued on June 24, 2024. The SOE is now in effect until September 24, 2024. The SOE ...

@Aerodex Good to know. They haven't updated the alert on the embassy webpage yet. https://bz.usembassy.gov/category/alert/ Read More

work truck by joanjohn2005
Should I buy in Belize, ship to Belize, or drive - from Oregon

@joanjohn2005Depends on your budget and goals. Many people bring a vehicle they are familiar with, but import duty can get expensive. You see a large number of 4 cylinder vehicles for this reason. You can review Belize import duty on vehicles here: ... Read More

polaris ranger UTV by sawtooth68
what is the process to buy a polaris in the states and have it shipped herethank you in advance

@sawtooth68 the most common route is purchase the UTV, work with a shipping company to get it to Belize (usually in a container, whether filled with just your items or shared with someone else), and pay your customs/import duty tax. ... Read More

Moving to Belize with my mom on QRP by Karlaclemmer
I have a unique scenario and would appreciate any feedback. I am primary caregiver for my 86-year-old mother who is obviously retired. I am her power of attorney. I am 56 years old still working as a nurse part time and am paid through her LTC ...

@Karlaclemmer unfortunately, I can't speak to a primary care doctor (I don't use one) or pain management specialist. We don't see any specialists and the rare prescription we've needed were easily filled at a local pharmacy without going to a ... Read More

Moving to Belize with my mom on QRP by Karlaclemmer
I have a unique scenario and would appreciate any feedback. I am primary caregiver for my 86-year-old mother who is obviously retired. I am her power of attorney. I am 56 years old still working as a nurse part time and am paid through her LTC ...

If there is no criminal history and you can show how you will support yourself, I've never seen anyone denied an extension of a tourist visa or denied permanent residency when the time came. We started traveling to Belize in the 90s and made a ... Read More

Recommendations real estate attorney by marshbunny
@Julien I am in process of purchasing a home in the village and would like the name of a good real estate attorney that can help me navigate the process. Thank you.

@marshbunny unfortunately, many Belizean businesses are not good about returning emails in a timely fashion. Your best bet may be to call them or drop by their office when you return to Belize. If you are working with a realtor, they may have ... Read More

Moving to Belize with my mom on QRP by Karlaclemmer
I have a unique scenario and would appreciate any feedback. I am primary caregiver for my 86-year-old mother who is obviously retired. I am her power of attorney. I am 56 years old still working as a nurse part time and am paid through her LTC ...

@Karlaclemmer QRP has benefits that make it attractive to some, but it can also come with limitations. Many choose to just apply for permanent residency by renewing their tourist visa while staying in the country for a year instead of doing QRP. ... Read More