
Inflation in Cyprus in 2022

Last activity 07 November 2022 by pete21

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In the various media, inflation in Cyprus is becoming increasingly important. This is becoming a concern for some, with fears of an impact on day-to-day budgeting.

Today, how does inflation in Cyprus impact on daily life?

Which products and services have increased the most (insurance, shopping, petrol, electricity etc.)?

Have you had to review your budget? If so, what are your priorities?

What solutions have expatriates found to curb the impact of inflation? Did they use specific aids?

Thanks for your future contribution
Kind regards,


My husband had a stroke on 9 August 2022.  He is paralysed down his right side, is almost unable to talk ( though understands everything that I say to him), plus he cannot swallow, so is fed via a PEG system directly into his stomach ( nutrients) every two hours to avoid any food or drink getting into his lungs.

He was the last person that one would imagine having a stroke, as he was fit, walked a heck of a lot, played boules, hadn’t smoked for over 30 years, helped out at the local dog pound and we went to regular quizes.  No-one can believe it happened to him!   We seemed to be examples of how to be old & fit.

My real worries now are that (a) the rent will go up as we rent our villa, and (b) that the prices of electricity will be high this next two months too.

To combat this, I will have to cut down on my food and also my warmth to be able to afford to pay it!  (I have already “lost” over a stone in weight).

Also, we have two powerful (mid-sized breed) dogs who also need to eat too, (and we also feed 2 cats).  I don’t know that I can continue to look after/cope with these on my own, as my wonderful neighbours have their own businesses - and her own life to lead - and I don’t expect them to help cope forever.

I have sold one of our two cars ( it was also old, so not for much).   What else can I do, as the cost of living isn’t going to go down anytime soon! 

Oh, and now I also have the added cost of “doing” the pool, because my husband used to do everything necessary.  Even if he eventually gets well enough to come home, he won’t be able to take over everything that he did before!  Help for future financial problems!


@WestCoastLives  hi , i am so sorry to hear about your husband ,  is there any chance you could get help from any charity ? .


@WestCoastLives so sorry lass.. I concur T would have  been bottom of a long ling list of people I thought may succumb to this sort of thing fit as a lop and as active as a man could be.. My dad had a stroke at 50 and I remember everything he and the family went through physically and mentally... But he did get through it with a hugely supportive family    He lived a good life and died 8 yrs ago at the age of 83.. so keep ya chin up lass.....

Not really sure what charities or support there is out there as. like Malta,  Cyprus elderly tend to have to rely on immediate family for long term care etc.... Is there a stroke society here I wonder. Cyprus Stroke Association springs to mind  and am sure there must be others...


@Toon   I replied!  Has it just not come through yet?


Just realised, - I pressed the X!   Sorry! 


No not seen anything


Hello everyone,

Thank you for your feedback !

Do you need any help, WestCoastLives ?




maybe i am one of lucky expats as living alone it does not touch me much about increase in prices as not very big increases. i recently had a artery unblocked and that was more worrying for me as there was no reason i know of that caused it. yes my worries are small caompared to other people i know so i feel myself lucky


I think the thing is that after a period of austerity people have already done as much as they can to cut back ...then the brown stuff hits the whirly thing when they really cant do more  without serious consequences..  of course there are always those who get hit hard those that barely feel it and those that are somewhere in between....

I've always erred on the side of caution ... So am not feeling anything yet. But everything is getting more and more expensive...


Let me suggest practical, commonsense options for your awkward situation.

Can I suggest you get rid of two hungry dogs if you, yourself are going without food but are having to keep them well fed. Priority should be for you and your health. You are no good to your husband if you are malnourished.

Regarding the pool, empty it and save yourself a load in cleaning costs. If, next year your husband is well enough to use the pool, perhaps for rehab, then you can fill it again then.

Heat only the rooms of the house you need; living room and your bedroom?

And ofcourse you could move to a smaller property with no pool ad save yourself alot of costs.

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