Dental work in Lisbon, I need a tooth crown

I need to get a tooth crown.  I will be in Lisbon for three weeks in March.  Is dental work cheaper in Portugal than it is in the USA?  Any recommendations for a dentist?  Mark

There are several types of tooth crowns and several types of application. Different types of materials, and it all depends on your case. The price can vary from several hundred to 3 or 4 thousand euros each crown.

Remember that cheap can be expensive, and the important thing is to choose a good dentist. That is the main issue...

Eg. Prices

I need to get a tooth crown. I will be in Lisbon for three weeks in March. Is dental work cheaper in Portugal than it is in the USA? Any recommendations for a dentist? Mark

If you only got 3 weeks then I wouldn't do it. During the preparation for the crown you might find out that you need a root canal filling. That might delay the process a little bit. Then a technician has to make the crown, which might take couple of weeks. The prices that I have heard of are between 600 and 1000 EUR for one dental crown all in.