
Interesting medical research findings

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“Marijuana Consumption Is Associated with Lower COVID-19 Severity Among Hospitalized Patients”

By P. Yan1, C. Shover2, N. J. Jackson3, R. Buhr4, R. Nguyen5, D. P. Tashkin4, I. Barjaktarevic4; .. at: 1UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, 2 /3Department of Medicine Statistics Core, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 4Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles etc etc.

RATIONALE: While marijuana is known to have immunomodulatory properties, clinical consequences of its chronic use on outcomes in COVID-19 have not been extensively evaluated.

We aimed to assess whether current marijuana users hospitalized for COVID-19 had different outcomes compared to non-users.

METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 1831 patients admitted to UCLA between February 2020 and February 2021 with a diagnosis of COVID-19.

We evaluated outcomes including NIH COVID-19 severity score, need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, length of hospitalization, and in-hospital death for self-reported current marijuana users (use of edible or inhalant marijuana within one month of admission) and non-users (includes former marijuana users and never users).

Propensity matching was used to account for differences in age, body mass index, sex, tobacco smoking history, and comorbidities known to be risk factors for COVID-19 mortality (diabetes, chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, and liver disease) between marijuana users and non-users.

RESULTS: Of 1831 patients admitted with COVID-19, 69 patients reported active marijuana use

Active users were younger (44 years vs. 62 years, p<0.001), less often diabetic (23.2% vs. 37.2%, p<0.021), and more frequently active tobacco smokers (20.3% vs. 4.1%, p<0.001) compared to non-users.

Notably, active users had lower levels of inflammatory markers upon admission than non-users — CRP (3.7mg/L vs. 7.6mg/L, p<0.001), ferritin (282ug/L vs. 622ug/L, p<0.001), D-dimer (468ng/mL vs. 1140ng/mL, p=0.017), and procalcitonin (0.10ng/mL vs. 0.15ng/mL, p=0.001).

Based on univariate analysis, marijuana users had significantly better outcomes compared to non-users as reflected in lower NIH scores (5.1 vs. 6.0, p<0.001), shorter hospitalization (4 days vs. 6 days, p<0.001), lower ICU admission rates (12% vs. 31%, p<0.001), and less need for mechanical ventilation (6% vs. 17%, p=0.027).

Using propensity matching, differences in overall survival were not statistically significant between marijuana users and non-users. However ICU admission was 12 percentage points lower (p=0.018) and intubation rates were 6 percentage points lower (p=0.017) in marijuana users after adjusting for covariates.

CONCLUSION: This retrospective cohort study suggests that active marijuana users hospitalized with COVID-19 had better clinical outcomes compared with non-users, including decreased need for ICU admission or mechanical ventilation.

However, our results need to be interpreted with caution given the limitations of a retrospective analysis. Prospective and observational studies will better help elucidate the effects of marijuana use in COVID-19 patients.

This abstract by: UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022;205:A3174

Internet address:

Online Abstracts Issue


Thrilling P1.

Cheers. Steve.


Yeh thrilling - I dare say in six months time or so, a study will conclude that eating tomatoes or something else will have had the same result.


@bigpearl I find this interesting but now covid is pretty much over with these weakened omnicron strains. It would be more interesting to study cannabis use with the conventional flu and other viruses. Also, THC and CDB are two very different alkaloids present in marijuana with the ratios depending on the strain. The study does not differentiate between the two but I suspect one or the other has this potential health benefit. CDB will likely get legalized here because it does make you high. However, the medically active component tends to be THC and CDB seems to be the equivalent of quack medicine in my experience. 

Enzyte Bob

Que Pasa Man, the report was written by Doctors Cheech & Chong.



The medical research is impeccably well-sourced

Hence, hemp can lower COVID symptom severity

Long term, big picture, I'd think it's good to know.



@PalawOne OK, so it is hemp CBD. My son gave me some of that in a trip to NC for back pain that I was having. It did zilch, completely worthless. I can seechow hemp's cousin, marijuana, might help because it relaxes the muscles but only hemp and not marijuana is legal in NC. The study did not mention which component was potentially effective against covid. It would be interesting to get a cite showing it was hemp CBD and not THC (the good stuff used by cheech and chong 😂).



Meaculpa, whatever, no knowledge of hemp, marijuana, CBD or THC

Believes a prescribed medical supply above perhaps de-criminalized?


@PalawOne  You are nearly passing along something you read, I think for the purpose of discussion. Sorry if I offended your innocence with respect to these two plants and I will not raise any additional practical questions regarding your source's conclusions but I do have to ask, if not for the purpose of discussion, why post it if questions and discussion cause you to go "mea culpa"?



Because some who rarely ever add new topics can

seem to need to ridicule the posts of those who do.

Join the post-talk but never explain/defend any post

Who cares? Lots easier to apologize and forget them.


Moon Dog


I was the youngest of 4 siblings and the only pothead in my family. I remember sitting in the dentist office years ago reading a magazine and I stumbled across and article about Jamaican night fishermen. These guys had the uncanny ability of navigating dangerous coral reefs at night with no lights. Their night vision was well above average. One thing that was know was when these guys weren't night fishing they were puffing on ganja, hashish or drinking rum made from some decent herb. Mind you there were still some "Reefer Madness" folks among the powers that be so it was not well publicized in the US.

I said all that so say this, I was not only the only pothead in my family, I was also the only one that did not wear glasses. My brothers and sister began wearing glasses in high school. I was in my mid forties and still had excellent vision. Then came random drug tests so I had to stop smoking those good timers and lo and behold, I soon needed glasses. I have no hard evidence that pot preserved my eyesight, but if you ask me I will tell you that pot preserved my eyesight.

Fast forward 20 years to my retirement and I'm looking for a fat bag so I can sit on the back porch and get my head right like back in the day. The only problem is I'm now in Georgia, a straight looking 64 year old dude and I don't know anyone that gets high. I finally found someone who knew someone and hooked up. It was some real skunky buds, not like the Mexican dirt weed I was more used to. I immediately went out to my shop and rummaged though some fittings and made a bowl. I packed it with about a 3 hit load and that was a mistake. The potency of marijuana has been greatly increased, which is a good thing, I only needed a one hit load to get where I wanna be.

I'm now in the Philippines and will probably never get high again, and that is a bummer. I'll leave you with the immortal words of Francis Young, the Drug Enforcement Administration's chief administrative law judge at the time.

"Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known. The evidence in this record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision. It would be unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious for DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record.1"

He went on to say that pot is probably the only substance on this earth that has not caused the death of a single person.

Link to Jamaican night fisherman. … ght-vision


@PalawOne Do you think that all members must create new topics? There would be no point in new posts if you didn't have a lot of commenters who don't care to add new posts just because they feel obliged. And "ridicule"? I rarely see that. I do see "challenge" sometimes, guestioning and the like but your last post was entirely someone else's work (no problem!) which would insulate  the OP himself from ridicule. Seriously, are all commenters supposed to randomly make posts like that, I am new here and I really do not know.

Enzyte Bob

Moon Dog quoted. . . as evidence . . . .
The writer went on to say that pot is probably the only substance on this earth that has not caused the death of a single person.

I came from a state were pot was legal, they even had drive up windows like other types of businesses.

While people don't die of pot overdoses but their intoxications has caused thousands of other deaths. I'm just pointing out the statement is incorrect for the justification of pot use.

It's similar to more people die in traffic accidents going to the airport than in airline crashes.


Back in 1970 I was busted for possession of less than an oz of pot.  It was a felony in Pennsylvania, I could have done 5 years, but I got 3 years probation and a $500 fine.  The next year I was #63 in the draft lottery, but when my 2S ran out I was made 4F without taking a physical.  I was morally unfit to serve in the army, just like Arlo Guthrie In  Alice's Restaurant.  Could have been in the last batch of American sent to Vietnam.  When I heard talk of medical marijuana I asserted that smoking pot had probably saved my life.  Being a convicted felon meant I could not teach public school, become a CPA, or travel to Australia or New Zealand.  Obla de obla da life goes on. 


A 50 buck fine and I had to pick up the garbage.

Cheers, Steve.

Moon Dog

@Enzyte Bob

"While people don't die of pot overdoses but their intoxications has caused thousands of other deaths."

I would love to see a reference for that data. I did a bunch of searches and couldn't find it. Here is some of what I did find:

PolitiFact - "Additionally, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration drug sheet for marijuana reports that no deaths from marijuana overdose have ever been recorded." It goes on to say that the lethal dose of marijuana is 1,000 times the effective dose. The lethal dose for alcohol is 10 times the effective dose.

I read much of the report from the National Institute of Medicine - "Is There an Association Between Cannabis Use and All-Cause Mortality?" Case after case, when adjusted for alcohol and tobacco use, pot smokers "were not at significantly greater risk than nonsmokers after adjustments".

I agree that people are at a greater risk of work related and traffic accidents when using any mind altering substance. I wouldn't get high and drive or go to work just like I wouldn't drive after drinking even 1 beer. But who would you rather share the road with, someone who had just smoked a joint or someone who just drank a 6 pack or a half pint of Jim Beam? I wouldn't want to be in either scenario but if I had to choose it would be the pot head driving 40 mph in a 60 mph zone hands down. In the US 10,500 people die each year in alcohol related traffic accidents, I see it on the news almost daily. How many die from pot related traffic accidents? I don't know, I personally have never read of a single one but I'm sure there are a few, but no where near 10,500 or you would definitely hear about it.

Pot is now legal for medical and recreational use in Canada, Mexico, 21 US states, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and D.C. It only makes sense to legalize and tax weed. One of the arguments against is increased use by minors. Do you think the pot dealer on the corner is checking IDs? I believe regulating sales and checking IDs would tend to make it harder for minors to buy pot and it would also better control the purity of the product.

Enzyte Bob

@Moon Dog

You are fact finding the wrong data.

I said the users of pot have not died of overdoses but have caused thousands of deaths while intoxicated.

You hedge your bet by saying you agree, so why the long spiel advocating the use of pot?

My post was not judgemental on the pro or cons of pot. In the 1990's I had a grow house producing various strains. My most popular strain was called "Coffee", the second hand smoke smelled like Coffee, unlike Skunk.

Initially the seeds were ordered from Amsterdam (catalog) and shipped from the US. With my development of mother plants seeds were no longer necessary. Everything I produced was Sinsemilla. It started out as a hobby and I got carried away.

Once I realized the consequences I destroyed everything.

Moon Dog

@Enzyte Bob But you still haven't provided a reference for the "thousands of deaths". I say that pot smoking has saved thousands of lives, with the same evidence to back it up.

I did mention the all cause mortality studies from the National Institute of Medicine.

Enzyte Bob

@Enzyte Bob But you still haven't provided a reference for the "thousands of deaths". I say that pot smoking has saved thousands of lives, with the same evidence to back it up.
I did mention the all cause mortality studies from the National Institute of Medicine.
-@Moon Dog

Moon Dog. . . .

I don't have to provide your ridiculous proof of collateral deaths caused by the action of pot smokers, it's evident with any lick of common sense.

Yes, you did say pot smoking saved thousands of lives, so what? Did I challenge that?

Did you hear about the fellow that married a Pinay only knowing her three or four weeks, maybe he was smoking.

Moon Dog

@Enzyte Bob

I would wager that you can not or will not provide evidence pot smokers are dying like lemmings because such evidence does not exist. I provided evidence to the contrary.

Many pot smokers experience mild paranoia when they first light up, happens to me also. Paranoia awakens a sense of present or future danger so I'm more cautious and less likely to take risks. Ergo, I'm a safer person.

I was straight when I selected my better half since I was still working and subject to random drugs tests, even during travel. If I were stoned I would have been more cautious and it would have probably added a couple unnecessary days or even weeks to the engagement.


Look at you guys go.

Best bet is to change the topic to "The sex life of the Norwegian racing ferret"

I wonder if there is any scientific data on that topic?

Cheers, Steve.


Look at you guys go.
Best bet is to change the topic to "The sex life of the Norwegian racing ferret.

Cheers, Steve.

So what is it about the sex life of ferrets that attracts you? We used to have ferrets and all they did was mate all day although I presume they enjoyed it. No problem with pot in my case but I suspect the racing ferrets have more fun 😂

Enzyte Bob

@Enzyte Bob
I would wager that you can not or will not provide evidence pot smokers are dying like lemmings because such evidence does not exist. I provided evidence to the contrary.

Many pot smokers experience mild paranoia when they first light up, happens to me also. Paranoia awakens a sense of present or future danger so I'm more cautious and less likely to take risks. Ergo, I'm a safer person.

I was straight when I selected my better half since I was still working and subject to random drugs tests, even during travel. If I were stoned I would have been more cautious and it would have probably added a couple unnecessary days or even weeks to the engagement.
-@Moon Dog


You just don't get, how elementary do I have to get to explain to you.

I never said the things you are alluding to. I merely stated intoxicated smokers make poor decisions which harms or kill people who are completely unrelated to to them.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


@Enzyte Bob
I would wager that you can not or will not provide evidence pot smokers are dying like lemmings because such evidence does not exist. I provided evidence to the contrary.

Many pot smokers experience mild paranoia when they first light up, happens to me also. Paranoia awakens a sense of present or future danger so I'm more cautious and less likely to take risks. Ergo, I'm a safer person.

I was straight when I selected my better half since I was still working and subject to random drugs tests, even during travel. If I were stoned I would have been more cautious and it would have probably added a couple unnecessary days or even weeks to the engagement.
-@Moon Dog
You just don't get, how elementary do I have to get to explain to you.

I never said the things you are alluding to. I merely stated intoxicated smokers make poor decisions which harms or kill people who are completely unrelated to to them.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
-@Enzyte Bob

I would agree that many deaths on the roads are caused by either people testing positive for drugs or alcohol when driving and the number of people testing positive for drug use is on the rise.


It's legal in many countries. Why not the Philippines?

Moon Dog

@Enzyte Bob And all I asked for was evidence that pot smoking is responsible for thousands of deaths.

Enzyte Bob

@Enzyte Bob And all I asked for was evidence that pot smoking is responsible for thousands of deaths.
-@Moon Dog

You said your employer had drug testing.

Why was that?

Moon Dog

@Enzyte Bob

We can use your “common sense” angle to clear this up. If pot was in any way related to thousands of deaths the anti-cannabis crusaders would be all over it. It would be on the front page of certain news outlets every day even if it only happened a dozen times, or even one time.

Enzyte Bob

@Enzyte Bob
We can use your “common sense” angle to clear this up. If pot was in any way related to thousands of deaths the anti-cannabis crusaders would be all over it. It would be on the front page of certain news outlets every day even if it only happened a dozen times, or even one time.
-@Moon D

Again Moon Dog. . . .

You said your employer had drug testing?

Why was that?


Look at you guys go.
Best bet is to change the topic to "The sex life of the Norwegian racing ferret.

Cheers, Steve.
So what is it about the sex life of ferrets that attracts you? We used to have ferrets and all they did was mate all day although I presume they enjoyed it. No problem with pot in my case but I suspect the racing ferrets have more fun 😂

Norwegian Racing ferrets are about as interesting as this topic but some people have little else to do than post supposedly interesting topics unrelated to the Philippines. Other cr@p also.


Cheers, Steve.


So what is it about the sex life of ferrets that attracts you? We used to have ferrets and all they did was mate all day although I presume they enjoyed it. No problem with pot in my case but I suspect the racing ferrets have more fun 😂

Norwegian Racing ferrets are about as interesting as this topic but some people have little else to do than post supposedly interesting topics unrelated to the Philippines. Other cr@p also.

So who was it that brought up the topic of Norwegian racing ferrets?? Oh it was you. 😂

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