
Car plates.

Last activity 27 April 2023 by Yoginee

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Given the recent problems with abductions in Matamoros, I am thinking about putting some old Mexican plates on my car when I travel back and forth twice a year through that city.

Seeing as I only have a 180 day FMM it would be difficult, if not impossible  to get Mexican plates legally and would probably be cost prohibitive so I'm wondering if I were stopped with fake plates and explained why I was using them whether or not they would let me go with a small multa or whether it would be a really big fine or problem.

Anybody have any thoughts.


Wow so much wrong with this post. 

1) FMM Vacation visa is not meant to be used to live in Mexico.  Take the hint if you can't get a temp or full the Mexican govt do not want you living in Mexico.

2) putting fake plates on your vehicle is illegal down here. And your answer to that is to bribe your way out. Again illegal and show your complete disregard for the Law in Mexico.

I hope your not a US Citizen because your making us look real bad. And I would hope you will please go back to the USA till you can be approved to live and in Mexico legally.

I would not have moved to mexico if I didn't meet the standards set by my new host country.



The corrupt Mexican government doesn’t care about foreigners using tourist visas back to back, and it’s not against the law. The price has gone way up. They want the money. As for mordida, that can be risky.

Mexico is lawless, for the most part, but using fake plates would be a bad move. It would be better  to travel through Nogales.


Its much easier to fly to usa and back if driving makes you feel wierd.

And I guess you don't read all the x pat boards... a lot of people who were doing the I vacation permantly in Mexico have been stopped at the boarder by Mexican immigration and they wanted receipts for the entire "vacation" and if they couldn't comply they refused entry.  I read the posts cant remember if it was here or one of the other boards I am part of.  But they have a computer system and they were using it to stop those who vacation permantly in Mexico... so I would say that it isn't legal since they have stopped entry from people who were just going back and forth to refresh their visa. 


@MexicoAfterlife    .... Oh wow. You really are a pompous fool. I didn't need a lecture from you,

I have been living in mexico for 16 years and long ago decided not to go the citizen shiproute. Just too complicated and invasive of my privacy for all the info they wanted. We elected instead to do 6 months here and 6 months in the U.S. Perfectly legal. Years ago we formed a Soc. Anon. and built a house here and pay taxes just like everyone else.

The fake plates was merely a question seeing as we are seeing an uptick of abductions

Don't know how long you've been here but the occasional mordida is a way of life in Mexico, so get off your high horse


@MexicoAfterlife   Back to back 180 day visas might be illegal and you might be stopped at the border but I doubt it. In my case it is 180 days in mexico and 180 days in the U.S.   ..... completely different and perfectly legal



Never had a problem. If they sell me the visa how can it be illegal? 


Do we have any expats living in San pancho

thx. Russ Chicago


Do we have any expats living in San Pancho

thx. Russ Chicago

Special Guest
Wow so much wrong with this post.
1) FMM Vacation visa is not meant to be used to live in Mexico. Take the hint if you can't get a temp or full the Mexican govt do not want you living in Mexico.

2) putting fake plates on your vehicle is illegal down here. And your answer to that is to bribe your way out. Again illegal and show your complete disregard for the Law in Mexico.

I hope your not a US Citizen because your making us look real bad. And I would hope you will please go back to the USA till you can be approved to live and in Mexico legally.

I would not have moved to mexico if I didn't meet the standards set by my new host country.

Sounds like you're on a horse with super long legs. If you've never bent a rule before, especially because you don't want to be kidnapped (which btw Mex plates will not stop this from happening), then cast the first stone.

Wow so much wrong with this post.
1) FMM Vacation visa is not meant to be used to live in Mexico. Take the hint if you can't get a temp or full the Mexican govt do not want you living in Mexico.

2) putting fake plates on your vehicle is illegal down here. And your answer to that is to bribe your way out. Again illegal and show your complete disregard for the Law in Mexico.

I hope your not a US Citizen because your making us look real bad. And I would hope you will please go back to the USA till you can be approved to live and in Mexico legally.

I would not have moved to mexico if I didn't meet the standards set by my new host country.
Sounds like you're on a horse with super long legs. If you've never bent a rule before, especially because you don't want to be kidnapped (which btw Mex plates will not stop this from happening), then cast the first stone.
-@Special Guest

LOL 1 speeding ticket my whole life not even a parking ticket. Worked for the DOJ and held a TSCI security clearance.  So yup I don't break laws was raised by a father that was the same way. Married a woman who was the same way and also held a TSCI clearance. You would be surprised how many law abiding us citizens are like us you obviously don't hang out with the right crowd.


@Special Guest

I do not need a lecture from uppity sanctimonious people like like you.

My 180 day FMM visa allows me stay legally in Mexico for that period of time

My status here is completely legal so just mind your own business and go back to the U.S. where you belong with all the other bleeding heart liberals.

@Special Guest
I do not need a lecture from uppity sanctimonious people like like you.
My 180 day FMM visa allows me stay legally in Mexico for that period of time
My status here is completely legal so just mind your own business and go back to the U.S. where you belong with all the other bleeding heart liberals.

Wow now admin this sure sounds like a attack?

But sorry not a liberal.  The stalker could tell you that ftom the local lake chapala board.  And I'm not going anywhere.  Love it here in Mexico. The most annoying people I have met are x pats who think laws are a suggestion.

Special Guest

@rioesmarex Your intuition has failed you as I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum from "bleeding heart liberal".  Your tunnel vision of negativity caused you to miss the point of my post. If I answer an OP on expat it's because I'm here to help. Somebody needs advice about something and people who know a little something about it and are willing to impart their knowledge. Maybe you don't see it, but your reply to the OP was of zero assistance, rude, indicative of your seething self-hatred, and appeared to have no other purpose than to spread your misery. That sort of undermines the purpose of the forum. Most people have enough sense to know that if all they had to say was what you said, it's probably better to keep it to yourself. I mean, why bother?

Special Guest

@MexicoAfterlife When the entity by whose laws you are abiding are corrupt and are themselves not abiding, sometimes you need to even out the playing field. Look at the DOJ and FBI today -  were they rogue when you were there? Because they certainly have demonstrated that they are now. (and of course I'm referring only to the top brass. The rank and file just follow orders and don't want to lose their job.


Hello all,

Kindly note that this is a public forum where everyone can see your messages.

And it is for this reason that I advise you to remain polite and respectful on the forum.

For now, could we kindly get back to the topic and avoid any argument please?

I thank you for your understanding.

Yoginee team

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