
Moving to Singapore without a working pass??

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Hi everyone my name is Erik. I’m new here and I do have so many questions. First , I know that mid skilled worker like myself got plenty of opportunities in Singapore. So I’m willing to risk some money. It’s safe to travel find an employer willing to do the paperwork for a working pass according to my salary range ? It seems less possible that I get hired overseas. It seems some employers avoid the hassle and some say they don’t have the quota.


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Marriage in SingaporeTravelling to SingaporeExpat deaths in SingaporeCustoms in SingaporeSpass Appeal
Valerie Tan

Hi,  in singapore there's is a quota for work permits.  This is a regulation so it doesn't matter if you are here physically or applying overseas. It takes quite awhile for get the permit approval and issued. Meanwhile you are not able to work and not able to find long term rental accommodation without valid permits. You can visit Singapore for holiday


As Valerie menitioned above, you cannot "move" to Singapore without a work or residence visa, you can only visit (for which a 30 days visa is issued, which can be extended if you have valid reasons - looking for a job is not an acceptable reason!). The difference is that, as visitor, you can only stay in hotels or services apartments (which are costly in Singapore - above S$100/night!) or at a friend's place free of charge (do you know anybody?).

It is not possible to find a job AND get the required work visa within these 30 days, so you will have to return home to wait for the outcome.

I don't know what you mean by "mid-skilled worker", but without a university degree or technical certificate (and thus eligible for EP or S-Pass), your chances are low: Workers on WP can only come from a number of source countries, all of them in Asia. (Quotas exist only for S-Pass and WP.)


@beppi I do have a culinary arts certificate and an associate in art degree. I know there’s a possibility that all the paperwork takes longer than 30 days even if I find an employer but there’s nothing like a personal interview or apply in person.


I’m trying to find a recruiter that helps . Whilst I’m just applying from home


I cannot tell you whether these are recognized as "technical certificates" by MoM (and thus make you eligible for an S-Pass) or even as a university degree (thus enabling an EP). Good luck - and keep in mind that recruiters in Singapore are mostly useless and often even worse, so you better contact potential employers in your field directly!


@beppi you are saying that neither degree or certification will get an E or S pass? What kind of technological certification do I need to be approved by MoM?


For an EP, you need a university degree recognised by MoM. There is a list of recognised institutions on their webpage.

For an S-Pass, you need a "technical certificate". There is no list of recognised such certificates. So theonly way to find out is asking MoM, or applying and hoping for the best.

However, there are many other possible reasons to be rejected. You can read about all this in related threads already present on this forum.


@e04970 I'm sharing a link to a thread I recently created, I hope it helps to shed some light on the Singapore SPass and EPass questions you have. Feel free to reach out to me directly with any additional questions

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