Ex-pats in Toulon

My question is:  Where do most of the ex-pats live, in Toulon.  What is the safest area of the city.  We need to be close to senior ex-pats, like ourselves.  If anyone has any insight into this, please let me know.

Thank you in advance.

Byron and Margarita Kerby

@byronkerby going toulon 15th May. My friend bought apartment there. Would you like to meetup with me. I do not see any expats been looking for them. Email me***

Moderated by Bhavna last year
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My friend bought apartment there. Will be there 16th May. Would you like to meet up. Email me [***

Moderated by Bhavna last year
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
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Hello everyone,

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All the best
