Using a Chinese driving license in the UK


Am I able to drive in the UK with a Chinese driving license?

I'm from the UK and am getting a Chinese driving license from Shanghai. I've not got a UK license and when I get my Chinese one, it will have a Chinese name, not my actual name. Any advice from people who have managed to do it would be much appreciate!

@alnaz  if you do simple search on the internet it says you can drive for 12 months then you must take a full test.

Thanks for checking that for me. Only thing the simple search doesn't say is if the driving license having a different name to my real name is going to be a problem if i get pulled over. The license is all in Chinese and my Chinese name does not in any way resemble my full name.

do you have any experience about this problem acoop?

Hello Alnaz,

May I suggest that you open a similar thread on the England forum so that members there can perhaps guide you ?

