Obtaining work permits on behalf of the foreigners.

Anybody know the agencies in Morocco engaged in application and obtaining work permits and resident permits on behalf of the foreigners.

Our company will send some employees to work in Morocco in the Project we won. There is a local entity who will employ our employers locally. We just need the help of agency who can make all procedures for application and obtaining work permit and resident permit (ANAPEC too).

@azam513  contact the Moroccan consulate in your country to obtain information and work visas for them otherwise you will be ripped off. Good luck

Thanks for your reply.

We already contacted the Moroccan embassy in our country and their reply was that we have to apply and obtain work permits, residence permit locally in Morocco. That's why I'm looking for the agencies who can support us in Morocco.

@Said Idouarab

Thanks for your reply.

We already contacted the Moroccan embassy in our country and their reply was that we have to apply and obtain work permits, residence permit locally in Morocco. That's why I'm looking for the agencies who can support us in Morocco.

@azam513 I personally don't think there are agencies that will do this for you in Morocco. If there is work for your people in Morocco that's is sponsored by a contract of employment than this should be straightforward application at the local police station level in Morocco. Alternatively you need to contact your embassy or consulate in that city in Morocco to recommend a lawyer to help you with this. There are a lots of scammers just waiting for people likes you. I wish you good luck.

@Said Idouarab

Thanks a lot. I noted your concern.

Will surely consult with the lawyers.

In which city will this take place ? What's the kind of jobs you will be providing ?