Is the exam for dutch language necessary

Hello , everyone

i would like to ask a question relating to marring a dutch woman ,we have been on contact for almost a year and we decided to live together in the Netherlands , so we heard that i need to pass an exam for dutch language in Rabat as well as some random questions about her and her country i will have to answer , the question which im asking is , is it necessary to pass the exam or there is another way to go and live with her ?

As far as i know It is necessary to pass the exam to get a green card....

The government became very strict in The Netherlands

And also you need to speak Dutch and understand it....

Dutch is a hard language to learn....just as hard for me to learn Arabic....

Good luck 🍀


thank you for your comment , i would like to ask you if i get married with her in the netherlands , when exactly will i pass the exam ? She sent me an invitation to visit her then we get married , my flight is on 23 this month , i get the visa


you gotta ask your girlfriend to do reseach on the topic bc it is a lot that needs to be arranged and sorted out before you can get married in Holland. And also there are a lot of things that need to be sorted before you can live in Holland.... i know it is not as easy as you and your gf think

Bc i have a Moroccon bf too and we are still living apart bc of all the rules and regulations in Holland. I know you are gonna leave soon to Holland on a Schengen visa but that is only for short stay.... and that is not a permanent permit to live in Holland. My advice is go and do good research first and then make more plans together.

It is much easier for a Holland gorl to live in Morocco then for a Morrocon to live in Holland

Good luck 🍀🍀

@abdennajijounh There is an easy solution, just get marry here