Looking for good job in Lisbon

Living in Lisbon English-/French-/Russian-speaking Portuguese citizen from St.Petersburg, M.A.T.in humanities graduated from Herzen university post-graduate courses experienced in university teaching, editing-proof-reading, personal-/sales assistance and hotelery I'm looking for permanent full-time well-paid job in this city. WATT*** Kirill

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Some job opportunities available in Portugal for english speakers


I think you'd be better off going through the usual online employment agencies/sites looking for specific job's rather than an expat forum, such as LinkedIn (am I allowed to say website name?)  which is searchable by location so you can pick an area which you can commute to.

Thanks for comments and link.

I've been staying on linkedin having no job from it for years. This as most other recruiting webs are nothing more than promoution platforms. This is no-helping mater since they're selfish web-crowlers that overcrowded my emails with their spam and used to benefit from my clicks only. Subscribed in more than 15 job-agencies here I've been going with no job for half-of-year in Lisbon.