Considering moving to Malaysia Seremban Nilai Area

Dear all, asalaamualaikum

I am thinking of relocating to the Seremban / Bandar Enstek / Nilai area from overseas.

I have a few questions:

For a small family of 4 (children aged 9 and 4) how much does average groceries costs per month?

Are there any long term car rental companies you recommend?

Does my UK driving licence work in Malaysia or do I need to do anything else when I am there?

Are there any courier/shipping services you recommend for transporting some of my items (bed/mattress/etc)

Thank you in advance. 

@Rchaudary Grocery is not that expensive as compared to UK. But regarding the driving licence JPJ accept UK driving licence but police not accept, every department have their own laws about driving in Malaysia i think.

Converting your driving licence takes 2 months process,  1. First visit jpj office show all the required documents and get appointments which can be 3-4 weeks, 2. At appointments date visit jpj again and give all required documents then acceptance letter will be issued which also takes 3-4 weeks. 3. On 3rd visit you will get your driving licence. As Probationary licence for which you have to put P sticker on your car for 2 years. So if you drive your friend car or husband car on some occasion you have to keep the P sticker on each car otherwise you will get a saman. Really don't understand such laws for P stickers on car.

What is a reasonable salary to be able to support a family of 4? any rough ideas? Accomodation included.

Also, any suggestions for long term car hire and shipping from uk to Malaysia? 

All depends on what your living standard is: we have jaya grocery here which tend to have more western items and more  expensive than the local large gorcery Giant for example .

for grocery it may cost 300 to 500 us dollars a month .

rent will cost 400 to 700 us dollars.

electricity, cable gas ..etc  may cost you 150 us dollars

private schools are very expensive here.

so for basic living you need a round from 1500 dollars to 2000 dollars 6500 RM to 10000 RM

excluding private school and health insurance

furnitures tend to be reasonably priced here.

if you want to live similar living stand like us or uk you may need 4000 us dollars around 20000 RM

Nilai is a very nice place

Salary 20,000 RM 5،000 per month per kid to pay school fees.

30k for a family of 4.