Need help to ship 20 PC workstations from Hamburg to Sal Rei
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I´m a teacher in a primary school in Hamburg. We have to change our computersystem (hardware) cause the mainaining contract only covers PC´s younger than 5 years.
I have been to Boa Vista as a tourist and as a voluntair and I learned, that the PC´s would be very welcome on the island.
But how can I get them there?
The national shipping I would arrange and cover the costs, but the sipping overseas, I have no experiences made so far.
"Help for Boa Vista" I asked, but they will not send a container next year...
Can anybody give help?
I´m a teacher in a primary school in Hamburg. We have to change our computersystem (hardware) cause the mainaining contract only covers PC´s younger than 5 years.
I have been to Boa Vista as a tourist and as a voluntair and I learned, that the PC´s would be very welcome on the island.
But how can I get them there?
The national shipping I would arrange and cover the costs, but the sipping overseas, I have no experiences made so far.
"Help for Boa Vista" I asked, but they will not send a container next year...
Can anybody give help?
-@Stefan HH
Hi Stephan,
You would have to ship them overland to a CV shipping agent in Rotterdam. It's a complicated process to ship anything to CV. You will have land transport costs, palletization, export license costs, shipping agency costs on both ends, plus the cost of shipping (the CV agents will collect lots of peoples items and place into a will pay a portion of the cost of a container).
Then to whom will you ship the items. Whomever receives it will have to pay the customs duties on the value of the shipment (for computer electronics it is 42% of the value plus shipping). Also note that if you try to send to the schools, the goverment will not pay any of the costs. In addition, the Ministry of Education will probably not accept a private donation of 20 computers since there are tens of thousands of students. The bureacracy involved will make your mind spin. Instead, they deal with other goverments who provide financial grants to purchase new computers.
In conclusion, of course everyone would say that such a donation would be welcome. But that is probably because they have no idea the costs invovled, nor would they be prepared to pay any part of those costs as they simply think it's a "free" gift. I'd recommend that you would have to send it to a private individual and that you would have to be prepared to pay all of the costs involved.
Just to be clear, the reason this dpoesn't already happen is because it's simply not worth the time, headaches and money it would take to send such donations to CV. You are not the first to have wanted to help in this way.
If you want to contribute computers or laptops, it would be MUCH, MUCH easier and MUCH, MUCH cheaper to simply buy used computers/laptops in Praia (and send them to whomever you want to donate them to in Boavista).
Good luck,
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I***@Stefan HH -@Okoisama
Hi Okoisama,
Did you read my response to Stefan? Are you a legitimate importer? Just a year ago you arrived in Praia, and you were looking for a job as a painter. Now you are an importer? That's great if you started your own business!
What's the name of your business and where in Praia is it located? Sucupira? And what class of import license do you have? Do you have a warehouse to receive imports, and where is your warehouse located? These are important details if people are to do business with you.
Just curious. Please keep us posted on these details. I typically recommend certain experienced import-export agencies. I've never heard of yours previously.
Also, you should not post telephone contact details on the forum.
Best regards,
Hi Angelo yeah A year ago I arrive cape Verde with the intention to start up a small scale investment which actually brought me to this platform while I was doing my research on which area to venture on, during the process of researching I thought I could observe more if I get involve in some handy job so I did some painting jobs in Santa Maria for about 4 months and then got a contact to come to Praia to buy a bar from some family who are relocating, so I did move to Praia from Santa Maria and got the bar and register it under the business name SDGH an enterprise that is registered under the cape Verde law to import and export commercial items and my business registration certificate can be verified I have actually register two business in cape that I am building up presently 1: SDGH( Street dog grogue house ) where we sell general merchandise 2: PAPAWAN PRODUCTIONS, where we promote artist and hunt for young talented youth to promote. Sorry for putting my phone number on here was just trying to connect didn't realize was against the conducts here
Thanks @CVAngelo
Hi Franklyn,
Great that you started your own businesses in Praia. It's definitely the best way to survive here as there are very few jobs.
The promotion of local artists is a wonderful initiative. I look forward to seeing and hearing some of the talent.
I'm still a little confused about your bar restauran, SDGH. You import commercial goods via this? So your import license is for importing what? Food and beverages? It is why I asked you what class(es) of imports are covered by your import license.
Anyway, we can discuss this further in a private chat as I think we have gone beyond the bounds of Stefan's original questions.
Best regards and good luck with your bar and your artists/events company,
Thanks Angelo for your detailed answer.
I just learned the it is nearly impossible to export used electronics. There has to be a lot more to do before you are allowed to shipp those things.
I just thought that it was a good idea, and still is, but I am not willing to spend more money in all nessesary thing to get the PC´s to Boa Vista than the PC´s are worth.
So I will donate them to a company who refurbishes them to get them to poor people gere, without making any profit of it...
@Stefan HH
Hi Stefan,
It's definitely a good and thoughtful intention. But just too much costs and bureaucracy there as well as here to be worthwhile.
For years, I've been helping expats ship their personal belongings to Cape Verde. It's always a huge, expensive undertaking with too many headaches. So now, I tell everyone who wants to relocate to Cape Verde to just sell all their belongings there and buy everything the need in Cape Verde.
Shipping things to Cape Verde is not worth the time, expense and headaches, unless you're a commercial importer which I also did for some time.
Best regards,
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