Legal Advise


I wanted to ask I am an expat and I have a daughter shes 13 years old her father is Bahrain and we ate already divorce since 2015,when my daughter turned 7yo the custody given to her father so i can only see my daughter whenever her father allowing me to see her even there is court order he was not following it..anyways make long story daughter now is 13yo and she doesnt want to stay with her father anymore bcoz he is hitting her..we reported it to the police,to social worker even in here teachers but nothing my question there any other way that i cant take my daughter with me or any other government sector that i can go  for help i wanted to get a lawyer but i cannot afford.can i get her a new passport instead even if i am expatriates so i can take her with me to my home country or what should i do so i get my daughter i feel like i cannot do anything coz i am an expat even if i am the mother 1f625.svg

There is no short cut in custody battles.  You NEED a lawyer.  There is no way to get an underage child a passport without embassies asking for consent of both parents.