
Living with girlfriend in Brazil

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Hi, I have recently bought a house here in Brazil, I only plan on staying the summer here as the UK winter is not of my liking, I kitesurf. My question on here, if I move my beautiful girlfriend a Brazilian, and her young son into my home here,

will I be at any financial risk if things do not work out. Do I need to get some sort of contract. I ask as any English man woman will remember the old comment law in UK and how it destroyed people. I thank you all in advance for replying. Best regards Simon


It's called "coabitação" or more specific "união estável" ....  I you let the cat in the house, the cat will never leave.  There has been a posting on a fellow poster right here in this forum. 

They can prove they've been living at your home for quite some time, they can seek legal alimony ( not for her child borne out of another previous paramour/companion ), or even lay claim to your property. 

If you move the gal into your quarters, make sure it is only you are both legally married, and then, seek to get the marriage under the "Regime de Separação de Bens" or a prenuptial agreement that states whatever you bought under your sole name is not marriage common property.

In American we say.... "she is a good housekeeper".  In Brazil, it translates into "Meu bem, meus bens".   

I do not call for the siren song as "she is humble", or "poor little thing",  or "she is so sweet and loving", yada,yada,yada.   

Rules of the jungle...

1.Sexually liberated women wants money

2.If the 4F's rules don't apply, at least make sure your assets are protected

3.Know the sound of the Siren Song.


12/12/23   Hi, I have recently bought a house here in Brazil, I only plan on staying the summer here as the UK winter is not of my liking, I kitesurf. My question on here, if I move my beautiful girlfriend a Brazilian, and her young son into my home here, will I be at any financial risk if things do not work out. Do I need to get some sort of contract. I ask as any English man woman will remember the old comment law in UK and how it destroyed people. I thank you all in advance for replying. Best regards Simon        -@essexkite

There are a million complications here, so I'll cut right to the chase:  if you move her into your house she'll probably end up owning it, especially if you're only in the country part-time.  If it's only a shack on the beach, you probably won't really care.  If you're married, you'll have some limited protection from the law.  But if the place has any value and you want to be able to get your money out some day, just don't. 

As my mother used to say, "It's a lot easier to move somebody in than it is to move somebody out."  For foreigners in Brazil, that goes double or triple.

Peter Itamaraca

    Hi, I have recently bought a house here in Brazil, I only plan on staying the summer here as the UK winter is not of my liking, I kitesurf. My question on here, if I move my beautiful girlfriend a Brazilian, and her young son into my home here,
will I be at any financial risk if things do not work out. Do I need to get some sort of contract. I ask as any English man woman will remember the old comment law in UK and how it destroyed people. I thank you all in advance for replying. Best regards Simon


I have to agree 100% with abthree above. (As a Brit, Simon, I also appreciate the reference to previous common law experience.) Furthermore, if she moves in full time with a child, and claims it later as her primary place of residence, you might as well walk away and forget your house. It could take years and years to resolve in court.... and even then you may lose.


Why are you dating someone with a kid from a prior relationship in the first place ?

You are a gringo, and therefore are immediately perceived by "picaretas" as an easy golpe......a meal ticket.

Lots of Canadian men in my city back home who are DIVORCED after marrying Brasilian women. I've met FOUR of them and their wives over the years. Each of the females set my alarm bells ringing BEFORE they ended up divorced. Find one  with a solid established career, no kids, and her own money, then explore further.


Amen to all of the contributors above.

My only contribution is a link to a research summary about some of the tricks that scammers use. … rticle.pdf

I am not saying that your relationship will not work out but the above article has described some of psychological after effects of mixing issues of the heart with money / assets if things do not work out.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Hope that this helps.


Great article Pablo......


Here in Brazil it only takes a year for a couple to live together, for the female to acquire the same rights, as if you had married her.

And if the female happens to get pregnant.... You are in for a ride.


In Canada it's 2 years of cohabitation........just a data point for comparison.


@Gasparzinho 777

Its been updated,

What is cohabitation?

Cohabitation means living together. Two people who are cohabiting have combined their affairs and set up their household together in one dwelling. To be considered common-law partners, they must have cohabited for at least one year. This is the standard definition used across the federal government. It means continuous cohabitation for one year, not intermittent cohabitation adding up to one year. The continuous nature of the cohabitation is a universal understanding based on case law.

While cohabitation means living together continuously, from time to time, one or the other partner may have left the home for work or business travel, family obligations, and so on. The separation must be temporary and short.

But, if you were in canada its about 6 months or less to have them turn you into a profit. lol … habitation




Gerard Nardini

Great advice guys! Learn the siren song, ok got it. Will never forget it. So important not to get yourself financially taken particularly in this manner. When the relationship ends, it's too easy for her to turn on you. She'll have a host of support egging her on. Keep a regular eye on her character, her behavior, etc. Not her words, or something she's doing to impress you. It comes down to her loyalty which I've found is quite rare. Learn how to discern what's what's. It's too easy to convince yourself that what you want to believe is true. Way to easy! It's why men marry and then reality sets in. She's now the victim and deserving of your things. Learn the laws. Trust me she's aware of them. Question your beliefs.


Dude, don't be dumb. Don't  do it unless you want to lose yer shirt n then some. Even if you get married to anyone... get a prenup to protect your assets n pension. If all works out like in my case so far 20 yrs later then you don't  gottas worry about it. You gottas ask yerself if that piece of ass is worth losing everything you got?? No, so be smart n don't  do it. Don't  be a meal tix for a gold digger.


@essexkite A gringo friend recently bought a house in Brazil. I think the house is owned by a foreign corporation. His retirement fund is not in Brazil. He keeps almost no money in a Brazilian bank.

His girlfriend complained that she has no house and no retirement money after living with him for seven years. He said he would give her some money to retire on, probably after he is dead. She yelled at him for an hour.


    @essexkite A gringo friend recently bought a house in Brazil. I think the house is owned by a foreign corporation. His retirement fund is not in Brazil. He keeps almost no money in a Brazilian bank.
His girlfriend complained that she has no house and no retirement money after living with him for seven years. He said he would give her some money to retire on, probably after he is dead. She yelled at him for an hour.


I scour property tax databases, that's part of what I do in my trade.

Every now and then, I stumble upon a residential unit under a foreign corporation.  For tax sheltering sake, most of them are registered in Bermuda, or some other Caribbean Country. Very few, if any at all , under American Jurisdiction. 

About 20% of the properties I catalogue are under a business name. All I need to do is to key in the Business Legal Name, and i will pull their TAX ID, Officers, Partners, Contacts, Starting Working Capital, Operation starting date.

Most Brazilian Lawyers are not that good with search and discovery beyond their legal jurisdiction.  The harder you set to not  be found,. the less interested they will be in the case, other than to charge a filling fee to do the work and come up short.

You can't do the same wiith foreign registered legal business names, short of the USA. 


@sprealestatebroker My friend’s money could be anywhere, and probably is in several different coumtries. He has several ex-wives.


@essexkite As soon as she moves into that house you are at risk to losing half of it in brazil even though you aren't married.

Or worse she will own the whole thing and leave you high and dry.


@alan279 Is there a brazilian term for Gold Digger 1f602.svg


@john8670 Golpista?


    @alan279 Is there a brazilian term for Gold Digger 1f602.svg-@john8670

Yes, it's called "Piranha",  ( as the Pirana carnivore fresh water fish ). 

But knowing Brazilians, they will have other adjectives. The Brazilian Portuguese Language has a life of its own in acquiring adjectives, this from people who can barely muster to use adjectives properly.

Now,  for all of you lads, here's a few you can write up on your notepad on these stereotypes.....

Periguete- A tramp, or a woman who collects men in their bed. Easily identifiable for its skin tight clothes, excessive make up, sport tatoos ( lower back, legs, shoulders ). They often refer to other female mates as "Amiga", as " ahy amiiigaaa ".  You hear that cat call, perk up your ears as a German Shepperd.

They are manhunters, and particularly appreciative of other's girls boyfriends, specially if the other girl is a bit meek ( the nice girl ).

They are not necessary pros, but when in need, will have no bones to turn tricks. 

Cachorra - a Subset of a Periguete,, just as promiscous, and wear their sexuality on the sleeves.  Her choice of male mates is often for bad boys. 

Crentes- Those are Cristian born again types. The Assembly of God types used to wear only dresses and skirts, and keep the hair line way long. No longer the case.  They are out on the prowl to get steady husband prospects. 

Vagabunda - a Tramp. A form of verbal offense women throw at others from daring to steal their men. Some Brazilian women get sexually aroused by having men calling them vagabunda, but only in an intimate setting.  Quite riske, as many might be slightly offended by this characterization.


    @sprealestatebroker My friend’s money could be anywhere, and probably is in several different coumtries. He has several ex-wives.


The ex-wives have probably divided the spoils and that's why he needs to keep what he has left under cloak.  No chance for the girlfriend to get anything as the ex-wives will probably get first dibs.

Time for the girlfriend to accept the situation or move on.

Sad situation but the knife cuts both ways.


@sprealestatebroker Love it!


@Pablo888 My friend’s girlfriend lives with him in a five million real house and has an unlimited clothes budget. She works but won’t have much of a government pension. She is concerned about her retirement.


@sprealestatebroker I narrowly escaped from a piranha recently. Whew!

Peter Itamaraca


5 million reais is a lot of house in NE Brazil (?). I doubt she will be going anywhere soon... But if your friend has lots of assets stashed elsewhere I suppose he will not be too concerned ?


@Peter Itamaraca My friend doesn’t seemed concerned about the young baiana or anything else. He finally found his dream house. He is retired. He’s writing a book. He has a puppy.


    @Pablo888 My friend’s girlfriend lives with him in a five million real house and has an unlimited clothes budget. She works but won’t have much of a government pension. She is concerned about her retirement.


I hope that she is getting what she wants.

My brother-in-law is single (never married) and pretty well off and he also has had many "friends with benefits".  I am sure that the girlfriends were also very happy with the arrangement.


@Pablo888 My friend’s girlfriend told me she wants to visit Germany.


it's important to be said "piranhas" don'\t give much of a visual clue, as opposed to any sassy  tart ( aka periguete).

Your periguete is an easy mark.  Branded clothes, tacky and oversexed taste, and the  apparel or accessory logo better be bold and visible. Preferably sporting brands like  Nike, Adidas, Dolce Gabana, Calvin Klein. And the local favorite in swimwear/street wear, "Maria Gueixa". The later is a dead giveaway. \

Anb like most, they rather have an Iphone.   Samsung and other brands is for the cleaning maid. They got to have the latest Iphone. 

Piranhas, well, looks can be deceiving.  They can dress conservatively or sexy, therefore making a hard to spot mark. Your assessment comes from watching their spending habits, what  and how they talk, their mindset.  Age bracket is non existent, btw.   

Your best guess at those times, is to bring in your comrade in arms alongside , a more seasoned  lad who can spot.

Now, if you want a steady one, one you can count on, there are many ways to pursue them. After all, some man want to settle with a decent, willing, and trustworthy companion/ life partner.  It's all fair.   

In most cases, you won't find them as a stray cat. You need to insert yourself in some social circles.  And second, they are not the ones you can chalk up on your handle.

One of the many few places, other than the usual church and library ( I tend to trust the latter, booksmart women are at least capable to reasoning , and born again types, btw,  can be "piranhas in disguise" ).

And then there are tight knit communities ( aka small towns ). 

A few tell tales on good women.....  They are close to kin, talk  fondly about Dad, might go out on the first few chaperoned, and demonstrate pride on what they do, or her family business.

Faith is secondary, but a few good "Trophy Wife" catches can be found engaged in phylantropic endeavors ( non profits ).   

Some are very enterprise, and are not afraid to roll up the sleeves ( those are the best ).

Touch and lewd attitutes are a big no no with these above.

The rest, you figure out as you go along.   


@sprealestatebroker I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend or wife. I was pursued by a neighbor. She was constructing a small apartment building across the street. She was lonely. She preferred gringos. She had property and a business. She wanted to marry me. She told her family and friends that we were getting married soon.

She had a cash flow problem. I refused to give her money. She packed her clothes and left. She tried to get the phone number of a gringo friend a few days later.



I guess that your friend is a means to an end for the girlfriend...



    @sprealestatebroker I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend or wife. I was pursued by a neighbor. She was constructing a small apartment building across the street. She was lonely. She preferred gringos. She had property and a business. She wanted to marry me. She told her family and friends that we were getting married soon.
She had a cash flow problem. I refused to give her money. She packed her clothes and left. She tried to get the phone number of a gringo friend a few days later.


Classic case of Gold digging 101.

Great story here....


I guess that your friend is a means to an end for the girlfriend...


That’s what several of my friends think.


She tried to get my friend’s phone number from his attorney’s wife. 😵‍💫


It takes all kinds of people.

There were cases of public knowledge in Sao Paulo , where the women married into a moneyed family.  She, being from Rio, Law Graduate, poor, median looks. He, much older than her, made his fortune on payday loans for the working poor ( consignment lending ).,

Common wisdom would call it "Um Golpe do Bau" which means she is in for the money.  It turns out, she still married to the old fella, and she actually made money for the old fella's family. 

She climbed into management, persuaded hubby to invest on what we would call then a "Diploma Mill of Higher Education" ( She just inaugurated the Medical School Campus on Mooca by the tracks, so you  can't just call it a Diploma Mill anymore ).

And since hubby was a board member of the Pro-Soccer Major League Team ( S.E. Palmeiras ), she joined the board and eventually was elected to Chairmanship.   Under her Leadership, the team is faring well, they scored a new  Stadia on the grounds of the older one. All private money. She definetively bough in, and bleeds Green.

So you could call this a Story that all common wisdom would  point  to  be a classic case of  Gold Diggery, and  yet, the turn of the events proved to be  she was the best thiing it happened to the family's heir (     José Roberto Lamacchia  ). 

Here's a quick bio from her...


@sprealestatebroker looks like she is a real gem in the rough...  Very rare...

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