Hi there, it sounds like you'll be there ahead of me. I retire in August 2025 and soon after that I'll be heading south. Haven't decided on a yacht yet, for now it'll just be something cheapish, to get me my tools and a few bits and hopefully a small crew maybe 4 in total, down to Gib and maybe further. There's nearly always someone wanting a trip down to Gib and the company is always welcome and normally entertaining.
Have you done any sailing before, not that it really matters. Last time I went down from Milford, we had Basking sharks off the south coast and dolphins most of the way across the bay. The time before that we were bashing into a gale for 3 days and it got a bit lumpy. This time however, I won't have the time constraint of a delivery and will be sitting out any blowy, lumpy stuff. Preferably enjoying a beautiful platter of Fruits de Mer and nice chilled bottle of Chardonnay. Can you tell I'm already longing for retirement.