New members of the Portugal forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024

Thanks Johnny!

Portugal here I come. Castelo Branco region. 20251f60e.svg

Hi everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Adje, and I'm a 55-year-old Dutch computer technician. In 1999, I made the bold decision to move to South America, specifically Colombia. Despite the warnings, I embraced the adventure. Now, 25 years later, after facing numerous challenges such as poverty, crime, and inadequate health services, I've reached a breaking point. The increasing gang activity has taken over my city, and my business has unfortunately collapsed. I'm in the process of selling my remaining belongings here.

For the past few months, I've been searching for a more stable country to call home. As a European citizen, I believe Portugal offers a promising opportunity for a fresh start. Returning to the Netherlands isn't an option for me due to the climate, overcrowding, and significant drug issues.

Portugal is my first choice, with Spain as a potential alternative. I am fluent in Dutch, English, and Spanish, and I also have basic knowledge of German and French.

Why am I here? I need assistance in finding a place to stay for the first few months. I have no contacts in Portugal and am unsure whether to pursue freelance work or seek employment. If anyone can help me find an affordable, secure, and calm place to stay, I would be incredibly grateful. A small room would suffice, preferably in a warmer part of Portugal, but given my current situation, any improvement would be welcome. I am confident I will find my way eventually.

If you live in Portugal or have any contacts there, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your support could provide me with the opportunity to turn my life around.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,


Hi @DutchTechGuy, Welcome.

If you work remotely:

I suggest the Alentejo , it's quiet, has a good climate, few people and is much cheaper than the Algarve. Why not stay in an AirBnB somewhere like Évora, Monsaraz, Marvão, Portalegre, etc... That region also has coastline and beaches, I suggest the part south of Sines, it's cheaper than between Comporta and Sines.

If you seek job in your skills:

You should try cities like Braga, Lisbon or Porto where there are more job opportunities.

In both cases, staying at an AirBnB, you can always search for the place that suits you best, meet new people, share information, etc....

There's also this vlog by Danes living in Portugal, they have lots of videos and tips about Portugal.

Best Regards


My name is Paul, I live in Nigeria. I'm currently exploring getting a Digital Nomad visa as I freelance as a Graphic Designer. I am hoping to be able to apply before the end of this year so would appreciate all the help I can get.

Thanks guys!

@JohnnyPTAwesome JohnnyPT, I went ahead and investigated Braga. It seems to be a tech hub so that would indeed be the starting point of my search. I don't do remote work, I'm more of an electronics and hardware guy, with a bunch of software deployments to compliment that.So, you've helped me with my decision to move to Braga. Otherwise, I would have a rather hard time finding a job let's say in Viseu or even the Algarve. I've looked on the site and Braga is at 6th place when it comes to livability. AirBnB is new for me, hopefully it is not too expensive. Is it a good idea to get one before traveling? I'd rather go straight to an AirBnB than having to pay for a hotelroom. Cheers and thanks again for the orientation!


You're welcome. Braga is a young city with history and many attractive sights. As an EU citizen you can stay wherever you want, you don't need a visa or to find accommodation before entering the country. 

But in high season, there are many tourists. It's best to look on the Internet for user reviews of those options you will find that seem most suitable for you and make a booking.


Good day all, I am leaving in Africa, South Africa to be precisely. I am not in Portugal but planning to t move to Portugal on a Job seeker visa. I would appreciate all the the advices, assist and help regarding my situation as I do not know anyone in Portugal.

I am a qualified and licensed electrician with a years of experience.


Hello and welcome !

I would suggest that you read the Portugal Guide and that you open a new thread on the Portugal forum to post your questions so that members can guide you.

All the best


Hi everyone, I'm an anthropologist and academic nomad, always living where I find research fellowship. Now I got one in Lisbon, so here I am!

Hi everyone - i have just posted about remote working for one of my employees - any support with tax advice and immigration laws would be appreciated as my employee holds refugee status. Thank you!

Hi all,

My name is Marcelo and I'm Portuguese. Grew up around Lisbon and moved to Tomar mid 2023 after living abroad for 10+ years. Happy to help with anything if you are considering moving to Tomar or surrounding areas or general questions about Portugal