Question regarding details of typical rental contract


I am about to rent an apartment for the first time just outside barcelona and am going through the contract.  The estate agent has assured me it is a standard contract but there are a couple of things are I am unsure about and I'd be interested to hear what other people who have rental contracts think.

First, the notice period (after the first 6 months) is 2 months. I've done a bit of reading on this and have read a couple of times that it should be 30 days max.  Would be good to get a sense of what people typically have on their contracts.

Second, I know that it is typically the case here in Spain that the tenant is responsible for small repairs to the apartment but according to the contract that also includes such things such as the air con and the heating which don't seem particularly small to me.  Is this the case for other people also.

Thank in advance for any info about your experiences.

Impossible to comment w/o knowing further details. There are various types of contracts, all with different legal consequences. Make sure you can live there permamnenyly. You'll be asked for a "deposit" which should not exceed 2 months rent, and is usually never returned. In any case, all agreements countervening the "Ley de arrendamientos urbanos" (LAU) are null and void. Mistrust the agent, his only interst is to rip you off.  After 60 years in Spain I've been through it all.

@lloydbg  Can you just tell them you agree to 30 days notice?  in the states,  i am being notified by email that my lease is up for the middle of April.  And that i need to renew or let them know i am not renewing.  That is 4 months from now.  so, i dont think 60 days notice is unreasonable as long as you are awar.

@freise. If they do not return your 2 months deposit, can you stay at the apartment burning those 2 months deposit?

I'll be moving to Spain in early 2026, but I am gathering all the information I can get now.