
Regarding Police Complaint By A Bahraini

Last activity 24 March 2024 by XTang

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Hi, To keep it short, I took PRO Services (applying for my investor visa and CPR) From a Indian guy whose company was owned by a bahraini.

Initially until i paid him the money he was sweet and right after getting my money his behavior became annoying and very rude and threatening.

Plus he overcharged me, something that he quoted 20 for was done in 60, so anyways, all i did is wrote a google review on his business because thats how they trap customers.

Her owner(Bahraini) filed a police complaint against me, i was called to police station and i was the Complaint written down by her and hence realised its not just a verbal complaint.

Although i know what i did was not wrong but i Don't want to get involved in any of the police issues, i am after all a resident here not a citizen.

The police took my side of the story and took my CPR and said okay you can go, Don't worry and it should be closed.

The question i have is, how can i track or be assured that the complaint is closed fully.

2. Would this complaint affect me in the future anyhow? What are all the possible consequences?

3. I've been a UAE resident for 3 years but never been to police station hence have no idea of how the police stations in Gulf work.

4. Whats the next step i should take?

I'm just worried that it might be on record and tomorrow or someday they might call me again for the same case, i just want to ensure its completely closed.

Thank You and sorry for writing a long story.


I just replied to someone a few days ago on the same topic who also did a Google review on a business and landed in trouble.

What you did ie Google review, is falling foul of the relatively new defamation and social media laws in Bahrain.  If you did that in UAE, you would already be in jail as they are much much tougher on this over there.  So basically don't criticize anyone on social media and if you have to, state facts, not opinions or emotions.

The police case is a standard process.  The guy filed a complaint. They take your side of the story and send the whole case to public prosecution. Public prosecution will decide whether to proceed with it or not. If they do proceed, best case, if judgement against you, will be a fine and my suggestion would be to pay it fast. Worst case, well, not worth thinking about it now.

If you get a notification for a case, get a lawyer. Maybe have an initial discussion with one for a small fee and agree on next steps.



Hi ,

Mostly in such cases there are 2 possibities.

1)  Normally police takes oplogy letter from person they feel is wrong and let things go with warning.

2) in some cases if other party is still keep grudges on you  he can file criminal/civil damage case on you  in such case you will get initiation from prosecution if such case is opened and you need to present you story on particular date and judge will dedice whose fault or guilty with fine or as per law.

Mostly in your case , I hope you didn't send him any threading message or email or call and only Google review, I don't think this matter will go court.


It will go to public prosecution department. Police stopped this apology letter thing except for very minor offences that don't impact the criminal code. And if the guy files a civil suit, police won't be involved at all.

The fact that they took his statement means they decided to send it to public prosecution. Public prosecution can drop it or THEY can ask for an apology letter (usually they don't bother) or refer back to police to arrest the guy (if allowed under the law) plus send it to court.

He's lucky he's here and not in the UAE.  The enforcement of this defamation thing is pretty recent and not very common.




i did state facts only in that google review,  although i’ve deleted it and the police officer told me that we are taking your side of the story and he took my cpr and printed my side of story and attached my cpr to it and made me sign it, (im not even sure what was written in arabic).

but he assured me that this is closed and you don’t need to come again but i am confused on how can he be sure that its closed, what if the other party does not withdraw the complaint / case?

even though i am the victim here who was overcharged and behaved rudely to, i still deleted the reviews and apologised to her privately as well for the reviews.

i will be flying out to india on monday and my number will not be working there, although i gave my email to the police and they wrote it down.

do you think this case will go to public prosecution?

if it goes do you think i will get a email of the same because i would not want to miss any dates.

when i told the police officer about my flight on monday he earlier said you will have to come here on sunday again, then he spoke to his officer and said dont worry, no need to come you can fly, we will close this complaint ourselves.

then he said just call us once on sunday to confirm again, thats why i am confused now.

and again most important part, can i trace this case/complaint or public prosecution case online anyhow? and will it forever be mentioned on my records?


It will go to public prosecution. The police officer wouldn't have told you initially that you have to come on Sunday if the case was closed....see the logic?

What he said after that indicates that police thinks that public prosecution won't pursue it. They have experience enough to know the types of cases PP pursues.  But they are not sure which is why they want you to call on Sunday.

You cannot check anything as nothing has been filed by PP.  If there is no conviction for a criminal offence, it won't be on your record and your police clearance certificate will be clear.

You will know if they have decided to pursue it by police calling you back for more questions and asking for evidence. Or in your case, asking you to not to fly on Sunday although I doubt they will have a view from PP so soon - it's Ramadan after all. For example, I know of a complaint, not related to social media but a physical exchange of words.  Similar Complaint process was followed. 3-4 days later the police came and took the statements of the witnesses.  Then a few days after that they called the guy to the station and arrested him. Only then was the case referred to courts and a case number was generated (can't follow progress online but lawyer can refer to that number and discuss with PP).



So what am i supposed to do next?

As mentioned above i will not have my number working in india when i fly?

1st, I am planning to visit them on sunday ( tomorrow) to confirm, but what if it goes to PP, how will i be notified?

2nd, Should i cancel my flight on monday  and wait here?

3rd, what if the other party would have withdrawn the complaint? Is that a possibility ? Maybe she got what she wanted and would've withdrawn? why would she take stress for no reason?

4th, but at the last he said just call us if u want and you can fly no issues, this is resolved, he was speaking to that lady over call as well.


Just relax. If the police is not stopping you, go. If something happens you will be notified - they know you are travelling and you gave them your email.

The rest is all ifs and buts. No one knows.



Hey man,

Thank you for your responses.

I have a small query in mind since i read few other responses,

what are the things mostly the Police Clearance Certificate is used for?

Assuming this case goes on records and it is present there on the PCC whenever i request for it in future, just wanted to know what are the most common situations it is required for.

I own a company here WLL and am the sole share holder and am on investor visa currently.

Thank You Again.


Public prosecution will decide whether to proceed with it or not. If they do proceed, best case, if judgement against you, will be a fine and my suggestion would be to pay it fast. Worst case, well, not worth thinking about it now.

If you get a notification for a case, get a lawyer. Maybe have an initial discussion with one for a small fee and agree on next steps.


Would i have to be physically present in the court for this judgement or they will just examine the case and slap a fine and i will have to pay it.

Do you know or recommend any lawyer for such case, kindly share contact.

Thank You


I think you are overthinking it.  Forget about court for now - the situation is too variable right now to predict anything.  For lawyers, google Khalid Khan and contact him.

PCC is used for many things e.g. immigration to other countries, investment visas etc etc.

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