
Apple products for sale in Praia ?

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google did not give much results , anyone knows ?

repairs also possible ?

See also

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    google did not give much results , anyone knows ?
repairs also possible ?


Hi Phil,

There are no official Apple product distributors in Cape Verde. CV Telecom brings a few iPhones and iPads to Cape Verde from Portugal. But they do not provide any support, nor do they offer repairs.

You can get repairs done by the informal "technicians" in the open air market called, "Sucupira" in Praia.

Apple products are not a thing in Cape Verde. Lots of iPhones are floating around, but they tend to be very old, used handsets that have been sent by relatives in America and Europe.  For this reason, I strongky recommend against Apple products in CV unless you're prepared to take them back to source for service and repairs. I myself used to have an iPhone, iPad and other Apple accessories, but I quickly switched over to Android once I relocated to CV.

On the other hand, there in one official Samsung distributor who sells all models of Samsung, offers a 2-year warranty and also provides repairs. I purchase all my phones from them (or CV Telecom) now.




gracias, Angelo 😎

maybe an opportunity to start selling apple stuff…🧐


@Saxio I think Facebook marketplace is the place to try