F card to nationality or F+

Hi all,

i need your help. I'm here in belgium since 2018 (6years) . For four years i had A card for my student resident. in 2023, i recieved F card. with my bekgian partner we declared cohabitation legal in 2022, but we have been registered in the samw adress since 2019.. our relationship is 5 years already.

now he wants a break up,

i wonder if i'm eligible to ask for nationality of F+ card?

i hold two belgian diplomas (bachelor and master degree), i work as independant a titre principal which means i pay cotisasion sociale every thrimestre…

what is the best option for me?

should i convince him to let me domiciled at his place for the moment until i ask for nationality? or should i just loose my f card and ask for F+?

i'm starting my career here i really dont want to go back to my country.



basically, what (really) matter is if you can reach 3 years of legal cohabitation until you both go to the commune to "officially" break up and end up the legal cohabitation.

That would allow you to renew your F card once it expires. (new F card are valid for 10 years now)

Asking permanent resident ship (F+) if more difficult and tricky: A2 level, official diploma, .... not impossible at all in your case, it's just more administration and as far as I understand, you want to secure your stay without depending on the will of your partner.

If you can't reach a compromise together to reach the 3 years, then, as you're working.... no problem...

Immigration won't give you issue as you're working. They'll wait for the renewal of your resident permit to have a look at your case.

You'll request a B card (permanent resident) to make the process easy and then you're fine.

No big deal, but you've a bit of administration to do~

All the card (B, F, F+) will allow you to request belgian's nationality once your respect the conditions.

As Alex stated, the most ideal is to keep the legal cohabitation until the end of 3 year period. During this time, even if you move out or something, you could keep your domicilation with your partner and wait the 3 years for cohibation. In that case, it'll be ok as you're working. Normally, you can't ask for an F+ card as normally the conidtion is to be still with your partner when you ask for a F+ card. But thats not a big issue really. Renewing F card or applying for a  B card will do the job for you and with those cards, you can apply for nationality or just keep living and working here. Hope it helps. All the best luck