
Just want to check with you all if my small family got any chance with PR application? We first applied last 1 March 2023 and got rejected after 4mos. We are planning to apply again to include our 11mos old baby girl.

I am the main applicant and I will include my husband and daughter in my application. He is also working here in SG.

My Profile:

Age: 25y/o

Educational Qualification: Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering Technology (State University in Philippines)

Job: Public Relations Officer (A1 Local Construction Company) - same company since Nov 2019

Salary: $3100/mo ~ will get increment effective July 1st $3355/mo

Marital Status: Married

Pass Type: Spass

Length of Stay in SG: 4years and 7mos

Race: Filipino

Husband Profile:

Age: 33y/o

Educational Qualification: Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering (State University in Philippines)

Job: Site Engineer

Salary: $4350/mo

Marital Status: Married

Pass Type: Spass

Length of Stay in SG: 2years and 2mos

Race: Filipino


Age: turning 11 mos. Born in the Philippines but been here in Singapore as STVP. She's seeing a doctor in KKH every 6mos due to her repeated UTIs and diagnosed with Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR). From 4mos to date, all her vaccines are taken in the Polyclinic.

She was not included in our first application and we want her to stay with us here in Singapore but we can't apply DP for her because our salary is less than $6k.

Thank you!

The first application, not including your daughter, was bound to fail.

Chances are better now, but I recommend waiting until your husband has completed 3 years in Singapore!

@beppi Hi, thanks for your comment. Is our salary on the lower side? May i know if you have heard of any cases where parents were rejected but the child was granted PR? For us we are ok with working pass, our priority is for our child to get pass here. Thanks again! 1f60a.svg

@rzlczrll Yes, that is a possibility, once the child turns 18 and can apply independently of the parents.

Until then DP or LTVP are the available options.


Just want to ask. I am planning to apply my PR in Singapore in 2024 once I have reached 6 months of employment. FYI, I have stayed in Singapore for more than 6 years, and I was a student before.

However, my passport is expiring in Nov 2025, and my S-pass is expiring in Oct 2025. My question is, should I apply PR this year or wait until my passport and my s-pass renewed?

Thank you.

@minzsut The validity of your S-Pass and passport have no or minimal influence on your approval chances.