Laughable and yet NOT remotely funny part 2!

In March this year my sister and her husband moved out of their rental unit.  As per the landlord's request they are to leave the utilities on just to make sure everything is in working order.  After the walk through they handed the keys back to the landlord.

A few days later my sister made an appointment/s to the appropriate office/s to have the utilities turned off. 

They managed to get the electric turned off no problem. 

The gas company on the other hand wants to make an appointment w/my sister to go to the former apartment in order for them to turn off the gas!  To this she responded " I no longer have the keys to access the place, how do you propose I do this? I have already returned the keys to the proper owner and he lives in Braga!

The gas co. replied: You have to have access otherwise we CANNOT turn off the gas!!

My sister replied: so what you are asking me is to trespass into this property that I no longer live in, is that correct?

the gas co; if you have to yes, otherwise we CANNOT off the gas!

We are now in June if the new tenant occupying that apartment does not turn the gas over to their name my sister and her husband will be responsible for the gas usage!

Bureaucracy is one thing but sheer stupidity is something else.

I have lived in some of the most impoverished countries in the world, where education is a luxury for the elite.  I have to say I have NEVER had these types of experiences!  it's baffling

Bureaucracy is one thing but sheer stupidity is something else. -@williashirl8

Bureaucracy ?? What is stupid here is to have the gas meter inside the flat. This story is very badly told, I should say.... The gas meter MUST be accessed by the company and this is obligatory both in flats, where it MUST be in the stairwell of the building, or in houses, where the meter MUST be in the street.

Having "worked in gas" though not in Portugal, for safety reasons the gas company/engineer  should refuse to do gas work inside a property unless the account holder or their agreed agent is present.

In your case, assuming it's mains gas, there is usually a difference between "turning the gas off" and swapping the account from an old to a new account holder and this does not include turning the gas off.

Presumably  you have taken meter serial numbers and readings (photos) and submitted them to the landlord as part of end of tenancy?

    Bureaucracy is one thing but sheer stupidity is something else. -@williashirl8

Bureaucracy ?? What is stupid here is to have the gas meter inside the flat. This story is very badly told, I should say.... The gas meter MUST be accessed by the company and this is obligatory both in flats, where it MUST be in the stairwell of the building, or in houses, where the meter MUST be in the street.

I agree with you and to my experience the meters are where you describe. Also, usually the fire brigade can turn off all power and gas to a building from outside. HOWEVER, it seems that the apartment in question is not built to the standard that normally MUST be maintained.

        Bureaucracy is one thing but sheer stupidity is something else. -@williashirl8Bureaucracy ?? What is stupid here is to have the gas meter inside the flat. This story is very badly told, I should say.... The gas meter MUST be accessed by the company and this is obligatory both in flats, where it MUST be in the stairwell of the building, or in houses, where the meter MUST be in the street.         -@JohnnyPTI agree with you and to my experience the meters are where you describe. Also, usually the fire brigade can turn off all power and gas to a building from outside. HOWEVER, it seems that the apartment in question is not built to the standard that normally MUST be maintained.        -@TGCampo