Planning to find a job

Hi everyone I am Mary Jane and I am a Filipino citizen who is planning to find a job in Brazil...I have a Brazilian boyfriend but as a Filipino I don't want to rely on my boyfriend. I am an independent woman. Just try to find a job in Brazil to be near in my boyfriend. I am currently in the Philippines who wants to travel to Brazil. I am an easy learner,can do office job,hotel industry jobs...

Hope you will help me. Thank you and God bless!

06/29/24 Hi, Mary Jane.  Welcome.  Unfortunately, there's a big problem with your plan:  it's illegal for you to work for pay in Brazil on a tourist visa.  The Brazilian authorities won't mind if you rely on your boyfriend for support as long as you don't overstay your visa, but they will mind very much if you take a job, or if a Brazilian employer gives you one.

If you and your boyfriend get married in Brazil, you'll be able to apply for residency as the spouse of a Brazilian citizen, and THEN you'll be able to look for a job legally, but not before.  If you and your boyfriend decide to take that route, you should bring these documents with you when you come, with apostilles from the Filipino authorities to make your application: