Permanent move or holiday home?

We are bringing in 2 crates of household items, a bicycle, some tools, art and rugs. All used. Is it better for our VAT exposure to say we're A) establishing a holiday home or B) moving permanently?

Right off hand, it seems to me that telling the truth is often the best course, but I think the import exemption for household goods is for people who have moved to Portugal, complete with atestado de residencia etc.

Thanks for your opinion.

However, my question stems from the fact that we have not yet emigrated but are using our 90 days as a vacation to set up our home and wait for our D7 visa approval and immigration.

So we would be truthful about our situation whether it depends on the timing of our visa approval or the timing of our household items' arrival.

My stuff came on the boat, so there was a standard routine at customs, that was handled as I suppose it almost always is, by the relocations company.  The was a certificate de bagagem, from the consulate in San Francisco, that is part of the documentation needed for exemption, along with a lot of other stuff.  I have the impression this has no resemblance to what you're doing, with your rugs and bicycle. in which case I have no idea what the customs issues will be, if any.  But either you're putting the stuff in a holiday residence, or a permanent residence.  The visa you're on at the time has nothing to do with it.