New in Karlstad with 8 years old kid... Before starting school

Hi! I am new at Karlstad, being employed by Karlstad University from last April. I came at Karlstad from Athens with my 8 years old son and registered at the Municipality for school as soon as we came. The registration form was submitted in the 5th of August and until now nobody can tell me when my child will begin school, although the primary education, which is compulsory for all and a right for every child, began last Monday.

The  Municpality union for pedagogical issues said that there is a 3step process that have been done in order to put the child in the right class. The three step process is a synergy between the Municipality office and the principal of the school. This process may take from 10days to 2 months. In the meantime my child is excluded from primary education, missing experience that his peers share. Moreover, since I am single mother, he is also forced to be in an office for 7-8 hours per day

I am wondering wether such a process is either regular or even legal... Does any authority here in Sweden has the right to exclude a child from primary education for two months?????

Please any information will be much appreciated!