Bank account

Hello. My housband and I decided to relocate to portugal by D7 visa. you khow , as a non residence in EU , we need to open a bank account to show this document to embassy. I read the topic about opening a bank account in your page but  I heard that  bank in portugal does'nt open bank account for tourist these days. They want proof of address with 3 moth water bill for house. Is it true? How we can do that?

Thanks alot

Hi Maryamhedayatisepehri

You can't open a bank account as a tourist. You must be tax resident in Portugal or have a fiscal representative who represents you. A fiscal representative can be anyone (national or foreign) who has a fiscal domicile in Portugal. Don't know anyone who could be your fiscal representative? As you know, there are paid services on the internet that open a bank account in your name, but they end up being your fiscal representatives. There are also some Portuguese banks that allow you to open an account as a non-resident. Basically, they put you in touch with a lawyer via skype, for example, who, with your agreement, becomes your fiscal representative.

As you've already read the thread you're referring to, you already know what's required to open a bank account as a non-resident, such as a tax number NIF.

Hi. We opened a Santander account in Portugal this year. The 3 months proof of address is the place you are living at now. At the time of opening we did not have a Portuguese address and have only just got one now 6 months later. The one thing I can think to say is take everything you think and them some you don't think you would need. I did not have my National Insurance card as I know the number off by heaart so they had to check with head office if that was ok. We took 6 months records of everything just in case. It still took a few hours to go through but they were very helpful and it's up and running all ok.

We obtained our NIF number earlier in the day.