Fly or drive??

We are looking to come out to Malta later next year, once we have sold our home in UK and tied up loose ends etc.
We were wondering whether, when we finally make the move, if it would be better to drive over rather than fly. The obvious advantage of driving would be the amount of luggage we can bring with us, but I wonder if there are any pitfalls?
The questions that immediately come to mind are:
* How long does the journey take and what sort of cost would be involved - ferries etc?
* Would we have to purchase Maltese road tax or would we be OK to use the UK tax until it expires?
* Are there any special requirements/conditions regarding keeping a UK registered car in Malta?
I look forward to reading your replies.
Many thanks :)

I will PM you details


ps. I am back in Kent end of next week if you need anything more

Thanks Julian

I need loads.....
how long are you back for?!?!?:)

We are back for 10 days, my stepdaughter is having a baby and I can also visit some clients when we are there so sort of work as well ;)

Scubaboy can you help me out too please! These questions all pretty much apply to my situation. I've been living in Malta for 9 months, not working. I have an ID card here but have not yet applied for residency permit. I have now plucked up the courage to want to drive here. I have a small car at home that I would like here so have 2 options (to my knowledge): get someone to drive it over or get it imported by UKtoMalta. UKtoMalta told me it would cost €1050 - I was hoping for a way costing half that! So yeah basically the same questions: How long does the journey take and what sort of cost would be involved - ferries etc?
* Would we have to purchase Maltese road tax or would we be OK to use the UK tax until it expires?
* Are there any special requirements/conditions regarding keeping a UK registered car in Malta?

Answered pm sent