Cycling? football? squash? tennis...

Hi everyone,

I have recently moved to Istanbul and would like to meet more people through sports clubs/societies.

I love cycling and recently brought my bike over here, are there any cycling tours/clubs I could join in?

I miss playing football already! I don't know anything about amateur football leagues here. I'd like to join a team or just meet people to play casually on a regular basis.

Any other sports, I'm interested!


hi dan
i have a friend here she is french and she is into cycling too she is always at competitions i would give you her details but first i must ask for her permission since she is a married woman
will get bk to u soon

There is another website called The Sublime Portal for expats living in Turkey. You might want to check it out. I find it to be more informative/useful than this site. It seems like it has a pretty active community with some organized sports. There is a thread about cycling that lists a few routes and there was also a link to a site that supposedly has other routes around Turkey. Good luck. I love cycling but have resigned myself to spinning classes because I don't want to die any time soon : /

Thanks for the tip, Cakaren, I joined The Sublime Portal and there are a lot of threads and groups which were along these lines. I even posted in a couple before introduced myself which apparently is frowned upon. I'll be following the threads closely, and I'll let you know of any routes that are not constantly life-threatening!

Terry - yes, please do pass on your friends details. Her husband needn't worry, I'm honestly just looking for cycling tours/clubs (and any other sports!) :)


No problem. I was laughing because I saw you tearing up the message boards almost right after I had sent the info to you. Good luck,I hope it turns out to be useful to you.

haha, yeah I had a lot off free time this weekend and went wild joining up to these forums and now I can't remember who I've talked to :-s Hopefully I get to put faces to (user)names soon and maybe even get some sport in as well! :)

AdımAdım is a runninggroup in Istanbul for charity.
This group is also active in trailrunning and tracking and some members are also cycling in the Belgrad Forest.
The group is very active at the moment. The Dutch Consulate-General has some enthousiastic bikers on Sundays. Google John Crofoot in Istanbul and he knows the way.

Thanks for that, keestriple, I'll get onto that group right away! I literally found out about the Istanbul marathon a few hours too late to sign up, but I'm up for any of those kind of events!


if you believe you are good player(due team mate require good player otherwise i wont mention it )then come play in our team we play every week on Friday in Atakoy Bakirkoy region

usually there are about 12-16 guys we play , divide two teams
pitch is as same as below artificial grass

Hi Richard,

Do you still have a vacant place? I moved to Istanbul month ago and missing soccer.
What time do you start playing on Fridays?

Thanks in advance for the feedback,