Piano and/or dance classes for children

We are new to Istanbul and living in the Sariyer district. I'm looking for reasonably priced music/piano and/or dance classes for my 2 children. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I am Russian - American piano teacher with 32 years of teaching experience offering piano lessons

100 TL per hour
50  TL per half an hour


Hello Begum B and welcome to Expat.com!

Can you please post an advert in the Classes section in the Istanbul classifieds? :)

Thank you,

Sure, I'll post the ad there. Actually I posted it here by mistake, removing it now.

Thanks :)


Hi there, just saw your post by coincidence...there's a great piano school for kids @ Bebek...called Piyanoya...u can call this number if u're interested:  0212-257 8828 / Oya Tombuloğlu: 0533-710 9141 / oyaaksin88@yahoo.com

Hello there, my name is Dobrinka , I am Bulgarian , 48, living 10 years in Istanbul . I am a professional piano, solfeggio and singing teacher . I know very well Sarier area - used to live in a cite on the way to Zakeriykoi. I have a very successful practice so far as a piano teacher - during all those years I have students from schools like ICSI, British,German,Austrian , ENKA ,MEF etc.
As I understand you have two girls and I can offer to teach them piano and singing both.
The method I use as a basic is the Oxford one , combined with other piano literature according to the age level and natural of my students .
Would you., please give some more information about your children like exact age, are they completely beginners and do you have a piano at home?
I come a lot to that area to teach, so I will be glad if we can be useful to each other!
I use fluently Russian,English , Turkish , usually of course even the Turkish families are asking me to teach in English, because the children are improving their English too, during music classes! I am a member of IWI and so far I have I could say a very good name as a successful piano teacher in Istanbul!
References are available from many people ! The age diapason of my teaching has been always from 5 to 65 years of age !  I hope we can do some good work with your girls !
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
You can get in touch with me at dobra_music@abv.bg