Criteria for acquiring PY citizenship

I was always under the impression that their was no requirement of minimum time from permanent residency to PY citizenship except completing three yrs of permanent residency.

A law firm of PY told me today that to get citizenship apart from many other things, one can NOT be out of PY for more than three months in any of the three years of the permanent residency.

Anybody knows anything about it?

ThaiFood wrote:

I was always under the impression that their was no requirement of minimum time from permanent residency to PY citizenship except completing three yrs of permanent residency.

A law firm of PY told me today that to get citizenship apart from many other things, one can NOT be out of PY for more than three months in any of the three years of the permanent residency.

Anybody knows anything about it?


princexiaomi wrote:
ThaiFood wrote:



ThaiFood wrote:
princexiaomi wrote:
ThaiFood wrote:



if like that ,then uruguay is better choice, since can leave country for 6 months /year!

princexiaomi wrote:
ThaiFood wrote:
princexiaomi wrote:



if like that ,then uruguay is better choice, since can leave country for 6 months /year!

its very tough to get permanent residency in Uruguay

ThaiFood wrote:
princexiaomi wrote:
ThaiFood wrote:


if like that ,then uruguay is better choice, since can leave country for 6 months /year!

its very tough to get permanent residency in Uruguay

how about argentina? dominican republic?
do you know where in this planet it is easy to get PR and citizenship ??!!

Conscription seems exist in Paraguay!
If you want to acquiring PY citizenship, you should be careful!

conscription exists
Law 569/75 regulates military service, which is compulsory according to art. 129 of the 20 June 1992 Paraguayan constitution.

Military service
All men aged 18 to 50 are liable for military service. They must take an oath of obedience to the armed forces and the national police.
Military service lasts for one year, and two years in the navy.

Juho wrote:

Conscription seems exist in Paraguay!
If you want to acquiring PY citizenship, you should be careful!

conscription exists
Law 569/75 regulates military service, which is compulsory according to art. 129 of the 20 June 1992 Paraguayan constitution.

Military service
All men aged 18 to 50 are liable for military service. They must take an oath of obedience to the armed forces and the national police.
Military service lasts for one year, and two years in the navy.

I love military service.

Military service
'All men aged 18 to 50 are liable for military service. They must take an oath of obedience to the armed forces and the national police.
Military service lasts for one year, and two years in the navy.'

Latest news I heard: cancelled, they are now only working with volunteers I've read in newspapers, if not right, I will try to confirm again

Criteria for acquiring PY citizenship

I was always under the impression that their was no requirement of minimum time from permanent residency to PY citizenship except completing three yrs of permanent residency.
A law firm of PY told me today that to get citizenship apart from many other things, one can NOT be out of PY for more than three months in any of the three years of the permanent residency.

Wrong : you can be here for 3 weeks ( enough ), then come back some 2-3 month later

After a total of 3 or 4 months, you will receive your Cedula ( ID card ), which follows at your permanent residency

Hi Thai,

I think I saw you posting on SMC. But, here is a repeat of a post I got from there. The latter part (c) concurs with your attorney. It's interesting to hear that indeed this is being recognized by a PY attorney as a valid point.

Art. 42. - La radicación mínima de tres años en el territorio nacional, contemplada en el art. 148 de la Constitución Nacional, es una radicación continuada que empieza a contarse a partir de la obtención de la radicación permanente por parte del interesado. Por tanto, no procederá acordar la naturalización cuando:  (Therefore, will not proceed to agree the naturalization when:)
a) El interesado no haya obtenido su radicación permanente, o a partir de ella no haya cumplido los tres años de radicación requeridos;
b) El interesado no tenga constituido domicilio real en la República. No llena la exigencia de radicación continuada, la mera habilitación de cualquier local comercial en el país manteniendo domicilio real en el exterior;
c) El solicitante haya obtenido su certificado de radicación permanente en el país, pero se ausente del mismo por espacios de tiempo superiores a tres meses por año, durante cada uno de los tres años anteriores al pedido de naturalización.
: Therefore, will not proceed to agree the naturalization when …The applicant have obtained his certificate of radicación permanent in the country, but himself absent of the same one by of time over three months per year, during each one of the three previous years to the order of.

The military conscription article (link posted above) was dated May 1998. So, I'd be inclined to believe that the absence of mention of this issue by the many attorneys promoting PY nationalization combined with the age of the article would suggest that indeed the other blog response (saying it was repealed) is true. However, I was wondering about that as I walk around town and see military-type police on every block... the types who look like they were nationally conscripted by force rather than people who's calling it is to have a military job! :o

adamizer wrote:

Hi Thai,

I think I saw you posting on SMC.

what is smc?

Hi. SMC = Sovereign Man COnfidential... a pricey newsletter & overseas info service

adamizer wrote:

Hi. SMC = Sovereign Man COnfidential... a pricey newsletter & overseas info service

Is it any good? worth it?

Yes, it's quite good. He's gotten very expensive (upped the price) yet it is very good. He's a bit lacking in details yet otherwise it's very actionable. I think he may have broken off from International Man a while back (similarities). You can subscribe to his free newsletter that leaves out the contacts while still giving you a taste of what's inside. I think the pay version is ~ $450/yr. The good thing about doing one year (only) is that you'd be able to access his past 2 years of newsletters too. He tends to gear toward people with substantial assets yet I'd doubt that more than 10% of his subscribers fit that description.

pls send me document list for indian want became paraguayn

@vipulpatel- an introduction would be much appreciated.

It seems 3 months absence is on the book. but how to enforce it is more important.Is checking passport stamp only enforce mechanisam?It is easy get round if it is the case, because no body stamp you in ciuad de este.

I doubt that a border officer is going to be looking at these stamps very critically. You're right in that it's on the books, but I highly doubt it's enforced.

I've heard the same about military service. Again, it's on the books, but rarely if ever enforced. And the worst that could happen is that you could then decide to pull out and renounce your new citizenship and go back home without ever wearing fatigues or sporting a gun.

As well, apparently though it isn't on the books officially, there is a conscientious objector status you can declare that most likely will be honoured.

But this is all hearsay.

Guys, when We were doing our papers, after three months, I had a ticket back, used it, and came back, 4 months later. By then, my cedula was waiting.
A friend of me, did his paperwork, ( 4 days ) , and flew back to his Uruguayan residency, while being German, who actually migrated from the US ). He only came back, for a few days, after his 'admission permanente' was ready, and turn it into a Cedula.

-You can stay here, based on 'admission permanente'
-You can go on, to the cedula, ID card , it's not obliged, but makes all things easier , right Nico' Py ?
-Then you could ask the nationality, but again, it's not an obligation.

All these things are different stuff.

as far as I have it, "right."