Registering a used car from the EU

I know we have covered this topic many times before and I have saved the important stuff to remember onto disk. However, when I tried to obtain a valuation certificate on-line via Malta Transport/Malta Transport Authority Motor Vehicle Registration Site (eReg) the following instruction is given:

'Registering and Using your e-ID
You must have an e-ID to use e-Government Services. The e-ID, or electronic identity, is a trusted authentication mechanism for citizens and businesses to identify themselves to electronically access services from across government.
To register for your e-ID, follow the guidelines below:
STEP 1 - Visit one of the e-ID Registration Offices in Valletta or in Rabat (Gozo)'

It looks like  I have to apply for an online ID in person! Scubaboy - you say you just phoned to verify the value you worked out on line? How did that work? I saved your full 'story' when you posted it and now I'm stuck at the first hurdle.

Thanks for the help:/


http://www.valuation.vehicleregistratio … hicle.aspx

Thanks Mikea, I had come across that link and form while searching, but it doesn't allow one to insert a date later than 2004 for a Vauxhall!  The month range only gives a single option - nothing for the rest of the year. I have emailed their customer services department to tell them it doesn't work (and also asking what they mean by 'derivative' in the context of the form.) My fingers are crossed but I'm not holding my breath... :rolleyes:

derivative is the model type i.e. if it was for instance a Ford Fiesta 1.4 Climate 2006.

The Derative when you click on it will show

1.25 Studio 3dr
1.25 Style 3dr
etc etc..

If you want to PM me the details I will take a look for you



pm me your email I have created a pdf file for you


scubaboy wrote:


pm me your email I have created a pdf file for you


Hi Scubaboy

How did you create the PDF out of interest from the valuation site? I'm currently looking at importing a car and would love to not have to constantly refer to it using the dropdowns every 2 minutes
