
Living in Malta ?

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Hey I have been thinking about moving to Malta within the next three years but am not too sure about a few things. Are there many job vacancies at the moment and what is the pay like? Another thing would be housing, how much would a two beedroom apartment cost ? Finally what are the people like (you) ha ? I know no one living in Malta so I guess I'm asking if you are willing to hang out with a complete stranger when the time comes? Any other relevant info would be great

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideLong term room /apartmentHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in MaltaSearch for an accommodationHi New Member - looking for advice on flexibility to and from Malta

Hi Joe,

welcome to the forum.

Job vacancies for what kind of work ? The salaries are generally speaking very low unless ......

We have a very active Expat community here in Sliema and always enjoy meeting new people -)))



Ok thanks and for that and I was thinking about waitering or something in that range?


Hi Joe,

in the summer waitering jobs could be ok but otherwise not that good ! Wages are very low - many foreigners working illegally keep the wages down . It will be difficult .... as a waiter you might be able to afford a room in a shared flat. I'm sorry if it sounds negative but that's the way it is .



What jobs would be available all year around with decent enough pay?


Hi Joe,

jobs in finances, IT, i-gaming and with several languages would be a quite safe and well paid bet.

But also other highly qualified/specialized jobs.



Hi Ricky,

I am Mahesh. i'm thinking of moving to Malta (Work & Live); i am based in Maldives since 2008 & i am affiliated with Tourism Industry in here. I am willing to move to Malta for better job emplacement & life standard expanding my job career & experience.

Your kind suggestion & assistance would be truly appreciated. Look forward to it.

Thank you with best regards;


Hi mahesh,

welcome to the forum.

You should read through the previous posts in the work and visa sections.

It sounds as if you hold a Nepalese or Indian passport. That would mean that you need a work permit to work in Malta. And that is difficult to get for a TCN (third-country national).

Basically speaking you have to find an employer who is willing to apply for a work permit for you because he cannot find an EU citizen for the job. There are also several terms and conditions attached to the work permit.



Hi Ricky,

Thank you for the information; yes indeed i hold a Nepalese passport. Did noticed the necessity of Work permit for working in Malta. Any ideas for a reliable job site or information on same would be very helpful as i seriously am looking forward being in Malta :) Did visited jobs announcements posted in Forum & looking forward for ideas & kind assistance on same.

Your help & guidance is very much appreciated Ricky! Thank you.
Best regards,


Hi Mahesh,

the first and most important question is : What job are you looking for and what qualifications do you have?

Working in the tourist industry is good as Malta is a popular tourist destination but for a job you will have to be more specific and concentrate on your capabilities that will put you above other EU applicants.



Hi Ricky,

I work with Tourism Industry in Maldives since past 5 Years. I'm solely responsible for the Sales & Marketing affairs of Travel Company i am working with. I supervise my Travel team work progress & am responsible for all business relationships of the company (inbound/outbound) keeping business development & progress of company balanced same time. I follow up direct sales of Maldives Resorts to travelers & holiday makers round the globe (Including operators / Free & individual travelers). I am sure you are aware about Maldives as one of the prime destination in mind of Holiday makers in world.

I am looking for a job in same profession in Malta (not necessarily particular), however in same field; i.e. Administration, Sales & Marketing, Business Developing etc. etc. I am open to join a team with business motives & do my best to contribute in order to develop effective plans for the company i join.

Any ideas & guidance to assist me on this would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your suggestions Ricky - you've been very kind. I hope to see you soon there :)

Best regards,


Hi Mahesh,

does the travel company you work for have connections to the Malta tourist industry?

The role that you describe is similar in Malta but there are not many jobs available. The Maltese government trains youngsters for jobs in the tourist industry but not all get a good job.

The fact that the Maldives are a prime destination for rich travellers does not compare to the Malta experience. Malta has other problems.

You should optimize you CV and send it out to Maltese job agencies. Make sure that you emphasize your internatinoal experience - that might help !

Just one last question : Why are you looking at Malta for a job ?



Hi Ricky,

Many thanks for your advise-appreciate it.

Well my idea of moving to Malta might just be a tiny move of mine to accomplish big things in future. Also i dont really like huge places to live; life gets disturbed & lost in crowd. A small place with a desired job (as per my ability ofcourse) does fortune to me. Eventually Maldives is too very small to live in and plan life- its an awesome place for holidays though.

Didnt really meet Maltese clients or parties connections travelling Maldives for holidays except for few clients- once in a while.

Are there reliable job agencies you are aware of? Since you are based in there felt like asking, you definately will have better ideas im sure, if you could please guide me to a way to patch up with them; it would be very kind of you. Meantime, should you require more information from me- i'm just a mail away, do feel free please. I'm ready to give it a best try to be with you all there.

Thank you Ricky.

Best regards;


Hi Mahesh,

you can contact all job agencies in Malta. I don't think there are big differences and all will try and fill vacancies as fast as possible.
The main problem might be the lack of jobs and please don't underestimate the difficulty of finding work in Malta as being non-EU.

You should also check out the Classifieds in the Times of Malta and the job agency ETC. They have a good website and a lot of information about the regulations.



Hi Ricky,

Thank you - i will be in touch. Truly appreciate you advises all this long.

Kind regards,

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