I have asked myself this many times since arriving here last January, in my case it was simple, a Woman, my wife is very close to her family, and has a good job, I am retired, living on my pension, and no commitments, so there was not really a decision to make.
However, since before moving here, I have been a member of another forum, on which I now Moderate, and I am constantly hearing people complaining about their life here, if that is the case, then why stay?
My attitude was the same when I lived in Spain, I want to be part of my adopted Country, in as much as I ever can be, I am not arrogant enough to think I will ever be totally accepted, but you can only do your best. I learned the language, and that has been a shock to the system, I thought the difference between Spain Spanish and LA Spanish was minimal, it is another language!! much the same as the difference between British English and American English. I realise that I am the visitor to this Country, and I am the one who has to adapt, unlike many who get on their high horse, when things aren't as they were 'at home'.
People come here and ask about living in only Estrato 4 and above properties...why? there are plenty of Estrato 3 in decent areas, and it is far cheaper. People say they feel safer the higher the Estrato they live in, when I said this to my Colombian Family they laughed, and said, do these people not realise many of the Narco-traffickers and Crime Bosses live in these areas, because all it takes is money, not status!
I know that every person is different, but in my case, when I move to another country, I want to immerse myself in that culture, not be within an enclave of ExPats. I am not fluent in Spanish, and have now accepted that I never will be, but I can hold a conversation. I have to, my wife can speak 'American', (which in itself causes some misunderstandings) but lacks the confidence, so most of the time we speak Spanish. I accept, that some people feel safer living amongst their own, but that is not the life for me. If another ExPat needs advice or help, I will gladly help out, and I am still learning, so the experiences of others are greatly appreciated, but that is the extent of my contact with the old world.
The cost of living, in Colombia, compared with Europe is far cheaper, it has taken me most of the year to stop trying to convert prices back into or £ but I have got there at last. My Wife and I live a far better standard of living than I could have provided elsewhere. Property is cheaper here, which will be great, when I can eventually buy. Bureaucracy can be a pain, especially in relation to money matters, but with the history, I can understand it, and I get what I need in the end. If like me you are retired, then time is not so important in that respect, I can understand the frustration of those of you still working.
So again I ask, what makes someone want to come to Colombia?