
living happily in Phillipines


my opinion on this matter as it relates to foreigners.
I receive many private messages about doing business here.
1st I must say doing business is hard but not impossible as other
expats can attest too, but if u have a successful business u can be sure u will only make Filipino money, unlikely to support a foreigner and family, some do well but have put capitol in that could have been earning good interest overseas.
from doing business in both Manila and now Naga City my observation is that the vast majority of small businesses live from hand to mouth, thats ok because at least they are surviving
as there are no safety net here unlike most western countries.
the expats that I see living happiest here are the ones that have
a regular income from oversea(like a pension or supa)
even the British or Aussie aged pension is plenty to live comfortably(but not lavishly) in Phils.
the reason I make this post is because there are too many  foreigner(even in my area)doing it hard trying to scratch out a living so much so that we have pooled in to send them home.

See also

Living in the Philippines: the expat guideRodrigo Duterte arrested.Anyone using Starlink?Financial InfedelityPhilippines Mandatory Mobile Phone SIM Card Registration By Mid 2023

Thamks for this post as is very useful.Do hope that others also appreciate it.


Good post. The one exception is if you have experience and connections in the construction, mining, or other industries. I know a lot of expats who are doing very well in Manila due to the construction boom.