
Looking for Vietnamese Fashion Designers!

Last activity 01 October 2014 by nini le

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Hi everyone,

my name is Mai. I am a VietQ form Germany currently in HCMC. I am looking for Vietnamese fashion designers who like to hear about my start up idea.

If you are a young fashion designer living in HCMC or if you know someone who might be interested in a new business please let me know.

Cheers Mai

VN: 0124 - 355 25 32


Hello Mai.

Welcome to! :)

The Looking for section in the Ho Chi Minh City classifieds might help. Do not hesitate to post an advert there.

Thank you,


Hello Ms Mai, I am Vietnamese too, if that s possible,I am happy too share with you about Fashion world. Please contact me at


Hi Mai,

Ich hoffe, dass du dich schon gut eingelebt hast? Eine Freundin oder besser gesagt, meine Freundin :D, waere genau der richtige Ansprechpartner fuer dich. Sie verfuegt ueber viele Kontakte, die besonders hier in Saigon von wichtiger Bedeutung sind und fuer dich als Start-Up eine grosse Hilfe fuer den Anfang sein kann. Vielleicht koennt ihr euch mal zu nem unverbindlichen Gespraech treffen, um die Moeglichkeiten auszuloten inwiefern eine wechselseitige Kooperation von Nutzen sein koennte. Drop me a line if you are interested :)

Viele Gruesse



@ 2step4life > Can you please speak english on this english speaking forum please? It will help everybody to understand and willing to participate.

Also note that this is a very old thread ( 2012 )

Thank you,

Priscilla :)


@Priscilla. My fault, but the topic is so old that i don't think that sb read my post. She is a VietQ from Germany, so therefore i thought that to wrote in German  cause i guess that she is back in Germany in the meanwhile :D Never mind. I will post in English and Vietnamese (:P) in the future. Sorry for the inconvience everybody... :)

richard hunter

fashion studio, co-op?


great post, helpful tips and best website tips for become a best designer. i get many points of view from this post.

maya DP

Do u need a stylist finished fashion design ? If u need, please reply, thank u



(please stop posting the same message everywhere)

nini le

Hi mai ,what kind of designer you are looking for? Clothes? Or accessories designer?

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