Moving to San Miguel de Allende

Hello all

I am currently living with my family in Puerto Vallarta but one summer of the heat and humidty was too much!

I am from London, UK and my wife is Thai.  We lived in Asia for 9 years before moving here so we thought we could handle the heat and humidity but no way...

I have driven most of Mexico in the last year being here and SMDA or surrounding area is the last option as we have not found anywhere else we like but we hear such good things about SMDA I am very positive it will work out.

I'd like to ask a few questions....

Schooling - our son is 4 so we want him to start some per-school/kindergarern.  Is there a Montessori or similar school there? I am guessing there should be lots of good options...

Living - we want to either live centrally so we can walk everywhere or further out in a rural setting woth a garden.  What concerns me about the latter are the stories of break-ins and robberies.  Is this a real issue?

If so, we will stay more central where I guess it is bound to be safer.

Business opportunities - we want ideally to open a Thai / Asian fusion restaurant.  We have experience in this elsewhere.  I am hoping the cleontele for this will be in SMDA both expats and nationals as we will be keeping quality very high and prices very low.  Always my motto... Any feedback here please? 

I speak fluent Spanish and other languages so I am also thinking around some real estate/business services/Internet services company.  Any ideas or collaborations here much appreciated.  I am a professional with a Masters and MBA but looking for an easy, not too high powered lifestyle ;)

Ideally, we would like to live above a restaurant we set up.  Is that still feasible interns of available locales, houses fit for commercial use?  Any ballpark ideas on rental prices would be lovely....

Thank you in advance for any advice.  All, no matter how trivial, gratefully received!


Dear all

Looking down the Allende forum posts, I see there are not too many replies to any posts.

Is there another forum you all use?



There are several good preschool programs. My 3 year old attends the international academy which is preschool through high school, bilingual. We love it, but I don't know how feasible it is to get in for next school year. There is also Carrusel, a Montessori inspired school, which Sofie attended before, and we loved.  I've also heard good things about Arco Iris.


Carlycross wrote:

There are several good preschool programs. My 3 year old attends the international academy which is preschool through high school, bilingual. We love it, but I don't know how feasible it is to get in for next school year. There is also Carrusel, a Montessori inspired school, which Sofie attended before, and we loved.  I've also heard good things about Arco Iris.


Thank you Carly....  Someone is alive in Allende! Haha...

hi paulbart1 - did you ever receive may replies to your post, and did you in fact move to san miguel? we are thinking of moving there in mid-2014 and are now seeking a good informaive tour including some RE info?  might you know of any such forum where we could find that?  thanks.

I got no replies and have since realised it is a miserable place with little going for it as indeed has Mexico in general.   Nothing compares to Asia or Europe.

hmmm.... okay. well that could be more about the blog itself... i've read some negative comments about the city but overall they seem to be more positive. on what do your base your view of it?

Hi, I am looking to retire soon , where in Mexico is a good place to retire , I hate really hot areas, also like to be near the beach , can anyone help on this???
Benny Tranbarger

hi fastdraw - there is so much info online - but only you know all the criteria that you seek, so start googling!  here's one site to get you started:  it will no doubt lead you to many others. bookmark every resource that you find, and keep reading.  have fun!

editgrl wrote:

hi paulbart1 - did you ever receive may replies to your post, and did you in fact move to san miguel? we are thinking of moving there in mid-2014 and are now seeking a good informaive tour including some RE info?  might you know of any such forum where we could find that?  thanks.


San Miguel is internationally known for attracting expats for many reasons. You can read about everything from it's incredible history to current RE trends on this site  [link moderated]

Feel free to call me on my USA Vonage phone at **** and I will be happy to lead you to other helpful information about our incredible experience in SMA

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : avoid posting your personal details pls

There are a variety of several good a primary schools (all with fairly small sized classes)in San Miguel de Allende:

*****Los Charcos is a Waldorf school just outside of town that values multiple cultures and traditions

*****Jose Vasconcelos has a bilingual curriculum & is a traditional school with extracurricular activites

*****Victoria offers all levels of learning in very small groups & students can progress at their own speed

*****Arco Iris is small & traditional, popular

*****International Academy of SMA is fairly new and ambitious, bilingual, traditional, with environmental awareness

*****Millenio (SP?) is another elementary school but I don't know much about it

There may even be others. I lived in San Miguel and loved it. Just don't expect American or British type education because you are now in a very different country where much of your child's learning will be outside the classroom.  Vasconcelos & The International Academy are the schools I would choose because of their dedication to sound academics & well-rounded learning.

Paul, there are properties for sale here in SMA that would allow a ground-floor restaurant and living quarters above, with prices starting at about $200K USD, although they would need some renovation.  If you'd like to email me directly, we can share some property listings with you. My business email is Greg (at) ColdwellBankerSMART (dot) com.  Thanks, and good luck!

Hello Paul
I hope the ideas and everything Works out. I am from the uk and have lived in DF for 7 years, my oldest daughter goes to a Montessori school in df so i will look and see if there are any local to you.

In respect of business real estate could be good as the local market has a lot of expats some living half of the year here november-april and the rest all year around. The food business also could be good as the expats love different types of food.

I am looking to be coming regular to SMDA as a contact of mine who has property there is going to connect me to the American and Canadian locals.

I am an investment consultant specialising in low risk, safe, legal investment options for my clients income and capital. In addition to this i am now working with a trust which is IRS approved and allows USA Passport holders to declare what they have in the trust and lower their tax liabiltiy. If this is also any use to you then let me know.

Steve Curtis


Im from N Ireland originally, husband Italian. We have been in restaurant business in the U.s. Now moving to S M, also have children  5 and 2 and interested in Montessori. Not, however, in opening Italian restaurant!

My parents have been in S Miguel for over ten years and from what I hear, they would love to have a good Thai! good luck, will look out for you.

We are thinking of moving to SMA for 3-4 months and would like to speak to someone other than a realtor about it's safety.
Marsh Hollenberg

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : avoid posting your personal details pls

Hi,im originaly from Kilkenny 20 years in Alabama now living in Veracruz.thinking Pd moving to Zacatecas to escape this humidity and rainy season.welcome to the forum.

We live in SMA and would be happy to speak/write with you.
I have no interest in selling anything to you, so I believe I am objective  :)
I will admit a bias, as I do truly love it here.

Marsh I am Mexican and live in San Miguel with my Canadian husband and 10 year old daughter for past 7 years.

Happy to answer questions.



Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : avoid posting your personal details pls

SMA has changed a lot in the last  few years. It has become quite expensive to live there, and is crowded with tourists from Mexico City and the USA, which may be good for business. However there is a lot of competition and it is not cheap to rent in the prime location. There are lots of good schools to choose from, again not cheap.

Crime has gone up significantly with the Conde Nast status, I think thieves see it as a great place to hit up the rich gringos. This has been verified with Ministerio Publico.

. Visit and ask questions of people that  you meet. It is a lovely city but I left when I experienced too many break ins and mugging so for my comfort. I had friends this happened to, so I was not alone. There is a very active forum called the SMA CIvil list on yahoo. You should get online and post your questions there. Sonia Diaz is a great resource btw.

True SMA has become a little pricier but it is a great place to open a restaurant and raise a family. It is still a lot cheaper than living in the states! My wife and I r from the States and have been visiting for the last 8 yrs and r building a house in Vista Antigua, SMA. I recommend checking out the Guadalupe colonia to live and open a restaurant since it is still walking distance to centro and is the artsy part of town(near Fabrica de La Aurora) the gallery district. Good luck!

I am curious about your experience. I live in San Miguel and have never been robbed or mugged.
I do read the Civil list, and they talk about crime a lot, but it is always anecdotal "someone I know heard" types of things. We did have one Expat murdered recently, but in a city this size that is not unexpected, and can happen anywhere.
Did you live in Centro?

My wife practices criminal and civil law here in SMA. She has done pro bono for a local security group with some very high profile cases so we are see the worst side of SMA and still plan to remain. Common sense will preserve you in any city. SMA has changed, is more dangerous than a few years ago so victims of crime can get caught becoming complacent. I have done the same so I am not criticizing victims. SMA is a great place to live. Safer than most Mexican cities in our opinion
