Mobility with a wheelchair in San Miguel de Allende

I have a chronic illness and I am partially in a wheelchair. How easy or difficult is to move around in a wheelchair with a service dog in San Miguel de Allende

Hi Disautonomia, welcome to the forum  :)

I wish someone could share their experience or atleast give you some feedback on moving around in a wheelchair in SMA. Have you been here before ? Why SMA ?

There are a couple of threads on different parts of Mexico regarding accessibility, but unfortunately i found none on SMA.

Have a nice day,

Hi Anousha, yes I have been in SMA as a child, before getting sick. I like the weather, the colonial feeling, the art community and friendliness of the people. I grew up in Puerto Vallarta, I love Vallarta, but is too hot and summer last almost six month. The heat aggravates my condition. Do you have any suggestions and thanks for replying to my message.

Hi again Disautonomia,

Thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately, I don't have any personal insights to share, however there is a thread that had been launched last year, I tried to connect with members who can help you out.

If you want to read the thread, here it is but there is no specific information to SMA


Let us wait, I am sure you will get some feedback.



I can't add a whole lot, but was in San Miguel a few years ago for a week. I spent most of my time outside of Centro and that area would not be wheelchair friendly, at all. Very narrow sidewalks with sign posts or telephone poles in the middle of the sidewalk. The roads are also cobblestone in many areas, which are surprisingly rough, and make bike riding not fun there. Centro is probably a little better, and there are many neighborhoods I wasn't in that could be ok, but don't discount how rough cobblestones are.
So I don't think San Miguel is an overly good candidate, but a suggestion would be to use Google StreetView to "drive around" cities to see what they look like. I'm sure you can find a better area.

Thanks for your reply. I have been doing some research about San Miguel de Allende and I have concluded is not good a good place to get around in a  wheelchair. Overall, Mexico is not a friendly place for wheelchair mobility. My idea is not going to work out, perhaps I should look into moving to San Diego, where I could get the Mexican flavor and the convenience of the USA. Anyway, with COVID all plans are on hold for the time being.
Thank you everyone for your comments.


Hello. I have lived in 4 different Colonials in San Miguel for 4 1/2 years. None of them were suited to accommodate your needs. The streets here are cobblestones with few handicap accesses in Centro. However there is a lot of new construction in neighborhoods flattening streets and widening sidewalks, adding ramps also. I have been confined to a wheelchair for several years in the states where ADA accommodations are more common. I am using a cane living here. My thoughts and compassion are always present for the difficulty for the disabled as I walk around and find entering restaurants often posing challenges here.

Im sorry I can't offer better news currently. I have seen many in wheel chairs with a legion of friends helping them navigate at events. And attention to these needs are improving and changing all the time.

My very best,

Bobbi Jo Free