Moving to SMA

Hello everybody,

My name is Nour, I am currently living in Laguna Beach, CA. I am a chef/owner of a small gourmet restaurant, and trained Architect-Interior designer. at the age of 57 while I still have a lot of energy to enjoy the golden years of my life, I decided to sell my business (on the market now) and move to SMA, first heard about it from a patron of mine who lived there for 18 years. I am single, have two dogs, planning to visit in September to experience the magic that people talk about and also to meet some people that can assist me with my new adventure.....if somebody would like to share with me their experiences, and if I am able to meet some of you during my first visit, that would amazing

Hi Nour,

You have alot of energy and you will add a great vibe to the doubt you will thrive! Both design and cuisine are popular and can serve you if you want to do business in SMA. Single.....OMG! Lots of single women so 'cuidado' :)
If you are buying or renting I suggest Centro only. My opinion. Keep financial conversations to yourself for safety reasons. Get a gravity fed water system to put by your sink and you will always have nice water. Stay away from ATMs with debit cards. They get hacked frequently. Check out Parque Juarez is beautiful and great for basketball.

La Mesa Grande is best place to go when you get there. Great bread, pizza, beer and atmosphere. Rooftop at Rosewood Hotel at night...beautiful. La Aurora is best renovation in SMA and will let you see the art scene first hand with beautiful galleries and restaurants. Cafe Rama is cool but last Canadian chef left and I can not vouche for food any longer but place is hoppin' and cool. Tacos across the street at tent-style stand are best in SMA. Hotel Matilda is swank with great bloody marys. La Burger outside of town is fab!

I suggest banking at Scotia. I have had nothing but horror stories with Banamex and Banorte. Intercam is great place to check out too.

You must apply for FM card in CA. at Mexican embassy and then complete process at immigration in SMA when you get here. If you want NO headaches pay extra and hire Apollinar across the street from immigration. Piece of cake. Don't let your papers expire...costly and problematic.

Telcel for cellular is best in my opinion but be very clear what you want. Go to SMA Civil List Yahoo group and join if you want lots of info and a place to ask questions...keep in mind it's nick-name though is 'snivel list'...lots of complaining and annoying conversation threads too. Grain of salt. :)

There is great homeopathic doctor in Centro. Great dermatologist named Dr. Blanca. Good dentists who do lots of medical tourism business. Also, you can get all insurance here as well and MUST buy Mexican car insurance..Google companies, there are several.

If you want a dose of American shopping, check out Antea, new mega mall on Highway 57. Outdoor mall with everything...still being built but a good portion is now open to customers. They have an iShop if you are a Mac guy.

Hope this helps!

I am moving soon, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate! Saludos! Ashley

Holla Ashley,

Thank you so very much for you informative informations, suggestions, and advice regarding the banking, immigration, etc........very kind of you.

I have a couple of questions if you don't is the outdoor activities in and around SMA ? Cycling, Hiking, etc.....I also practice yoga, use to teach in the stone ages.......Also the social fabric of the town, it seems that making friends and meeting other expats and also Mexicans is easier and more welcoming than the States ? how do you feel about that.....

How long did you live in SMA ? you mentioned that you are moving !!! bummer.....just wonder why are you moving ? if you don't mind sharing with me......

Renting not buying is what I like to do first, what the rent like for 2 bedroom house with a yard and a garage would be like in el Centro area....I have two dogs and have to bring the boys down with me when I do move.

I am planning a trip to SMA in September or the beginning of October......wonder if you will be there or you will be gone? do you suggest any people I can meet to chat with and share their experience and knowledge of the town ?

Once again, thank you so very much for your kindness, and taking the time to share with me your knowledge.



Hello Nour and welcome on board :)

For rentals, I suggest you place an advert in our section Houses for rent in San Miguel de Allende.



cool thank you very much

Hola Nour,

Exercise is abundant in SMA...LOTS of people wanting to stay or get fit. Outside of town there are places you can go horseback riding and of Canyon Tours escapes me...Google it. Two bedroom with yard and garage is do-able in Centro but expect to pay more than $2000 usd form what I have noticed recently. Garage is tough one but I HIGHLY suggest it as needed. Cars are a target for vandalism.
SMA is highly social. Myself, I like the quiet life but most expats want a ton of activity hence the popularity of SMA. Do I think the ameri-mexi interactions are different....hhhmmmmm...yes and no, depending very much on an open mind. I live in a town outside SMA with few Americans and it is the real deal....I lived in SMA for several months and again, I like quiet and countryside, so it drove me crazy.(except early am walks thru town when all others were sleeping). If you love architecture, dining out, talking with people all the time, you will love it. If you want access to all of it in 15-45 minutes drive a few times a week, there are other options outside SMA that allow for nature, peace and contemplation. I will be here in Aug., maybe Sept. but not sure Oct. I am happy to show you around and give you a crash course in living in Mexico and this area. After five years of being here, I do have definite opinions on how it can really be engaging. The country is beautiful. The people are friendly and fun-loving. The pace is slower. The quality of life better in many ways. Everything (almost) is wildly less expensive. It is a smart financial move which I wont discuss on the forum...but very wise to diversify out of the US.
Leaving for another adventure. I move often and am out to see the world as the thunder takes place in our financial system. Catch me at for direct chat. Ashley

Hello Nour
Do you speak French?
Me I am a Stylist in Decoration in Montréal and I would like to visit San Miguel to but my English is not good I speak a little bit Espagnol.
My Name Anitada

Hello Ashley
Do you Know a good good Dentist in San-Miguel ?

You might enjoy taking a look at my book titled, San Miguel de Allende: A Place in the Heart. It's based on conversations with 32 expats who had also made the move. It's mainly a way of getting inside their heads. Whether you're thinking of settling on the beach, or in one of the colonial cities of the interior, you need to listen to this conversation, and there is no other book like it. Here's a link to an excerpt on my website:

Hi Nour,
I just spent the month of July in SMA, and I am moving there October 2nd. Like you, I am bringing my two dogs. Initially, I'll be staying at Hotel Quinto Loreto, as it's a great location, the rooms are big, there's a nice restaurant there, it's inexpensive, and they allow dogs!  I'll use that month to find an apartment, most likely in the San Antonio neighborhood.
I was in SMA taking Spanish classes from 9 am-1:00 pm, but after a siesta in the mid day heat, I did try and take advantage of all that the city has to offer. It's extremely easy to meet ex-pats. The people I met were all very friendly. The Saturday market is a wonderful, relaxing way to spend the day, and you'll see all the people you've met elsewhere,  there. I found after two weeks, I knew a lot of people, and when going to a movie, or just walking around town, people would stop and chat.
I'm a film lover, and there is a beautiful theater, The Pocket Theater, that shows 2 films a day (foreign with English subtitiles or independent films). The theater has a lovely patio, and people gather there before and after the films. The weekend I left San Miguel was the opening of the largest film festival in Mexico, and the Jardin was turned into a stage with music, dancing and an opening film.
I'm still working on the logistics of the move, health insurance, traveling with dogs, renting out my home here in the states--but like you, I am ready to wind down and enjoy life.
Check out for a list of daily and weekly events. It's a great place for artists, music lovers, interesting conversations, films, and sports.
You sound like you'll be making your move around the same time as me. I'd be happy to meet you for a drink once we're settled in. Stay in touch.

Thanks for the tip on the book, San Miguel de Allende: A Place in the Heart.  I just ordered it for my kindle!

Thank you Gracie! Enjoy it.

Hi Anitada,

I speak a little French not fluent, when are you planning on visiting SMA, I am planning  my trip sometime in October...

Let me know


Hi Gracie,

That's wonderful.....good for you, I would love to contact you when I get there, and like to keep in touch, where in States are you moving from ?..


Hi Nour,
Are you moving to San Miguel full-time or going to be going back and forth? Lots of people are snowbirds, but your being from California, I take it you aren't escaping the cold. I'm coming from Florida, and plan on staying indefinitely--so I'm bringing the dogs. There are many Californians and New Yorkers who now make San Miguel there home and love it, so I figure it's got a lot going for it. I don't expect to miss Florida at all.

I have a friend there that rents a place in Centro for $320 US dollars a month. It's small, but clean. I'm just saying, you don't have to go crazy and rent an expensive place. I found three wonderful apartments in San Antonio for rent-$550 a month, all inclusive, and that means, electric, t.v., phone, internet, water and weekly made service. The catch was, no dogs. So, I'll be staying at the hotel and looking for an apt in Centro or nearby. I'll be running a small Bed and Kitchen, as well as working on special events and art openings at a larger venue.

Personally, I don't want a car. I see it as a liability. I walked everywhere, met people, and it's better for you. Busses are cheap and numerous, when necessary, as are cabs.

I'm 58 and retiring. You're 57.  Expect to be one of the young ones. Most of the retirees are a bit older, as you can imagine. But, hey, I don't mind being considered young.  And, It will be nice to meet someone closer to my age:)


Hi Gracie,

Would love to talk to you if you like, and hear more about your last trip ..... Nour

You can call me if you wish....949-415-9190


If you get the time to check out one of the best food blogs in Mexico try and enjoy the experiences of a fellow traveler.

I'll text you tomorrow, and you can let me know if it's a good time to talk. I do realize I'm 3 hours ahead of you.

Sounds good....looking forward to speaking with you.......Nour

Hi All,
  My husband, sons and I have been coming to SMA for a month every year for 13 years now and this year we're taking the plunge and becoming snowbirds.  Nour, we also have a small restaurant, in VT., I'm the chef, my husband the sommelier.  We  plan on becoming seasonal, running our restaurant from May through Oct., then living in SMA Nov. through April.  We love it there with a passion.  We stay at a friend's house in November, but are looking for a two bedroom casita or apt. for dec. through April.  We've posted on the civil list, and I have had some success looking on Craigslist Guanahuato.  I'm also 58, and I do feel quite young when in SMA, but the people of all ages there are so active and into music, theater, etc., that we find plenty of people to talk to.  We also plan to work on and off, and would be very interested in anyone's input about how to get temporary work permits.  We are bringing a car, but plan to park in one of the guarded outdoor lots around town, as our friends have done this for 30 years and never had a problem.  Good luck to all, SMA is worth all the planning required.  We can't wait.


Thank you very much for your note, operating the restaurant for few month a year sounds really good, wish I can do that myself, I am planning a visit this October to see the possibilities and the all the amazing things people are talking about, if you guys are going to be there it would be  great if we meet.........Peace.....Nour

Hi my name is Nicole. I have 2 sons. One will be entering third grade next year and the other fourth grade. We will be moving to San Miguel de allende during the summer but I am having trouble finding information on bilingual schools that do not cost a fortune. My husband, who is from San Miguel de Allende, and I will both need to find work so I can't afford expensive tuition..My sons have been exposed to the Spanish language but do not speak it. I think it would hinder my children's education if I enrolled them into a Spanish speaking public school. They would get so far behind.I'm not sure if you would be able to help me but any help will be greatly appreciated..thank you

Nicole Rayas

Hello Nour
I would like to go on october or november, I have a nice contact for you, Do you know Casa Midy ?
Take a look, If I want to go there
''Younger I dreamed to study in San Miguel .. For a few months I think about.. I went through a painful divorce .. since I opened a showroom 'linge de maison'' in Montreal and I'm working every day of the week.I do not really have a choice but I know I have to go.
My dog ​​is old and I want to stay with her, after I was free. But I would still go there to visit Casamidy I need to create.
take a look at mi web site:

Hi Nour,
Welcome to SMA!
If you like great food in a country environment, a place to walk your dog (amongst horses and vineyards), meditate, hang out, enjoy the best of local contemporary architecture and landscaping, and meet fun, creative people of your own age and younger - drop me a line, I'll be delighted to introduce you to Los Senderos and my friends - just 5 minutes out of Centro.  Best, Francesca  ff at

Hi Gracie, my name is Kimberly and I was wondering you can help me out. I, and my daughter are from Vancouver, Canada but we've decided to move to San Miguel, Mexico. I want to call you for an advice on find the place in San Miguel, and perhaps for a friendship. Please let me know your phone number?


Hi Ashley,
I am currently preparing and getting ready to relocate to San Miguel with my 19 years old daughter.
I want to ask you few questions about San Miguel:
- A hotel for few days till find a long term home with furniture.
- should I bring a car? Is it easy to get around?
- is there an Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean market in San Miguel?
- is there a special item I should bring from Canada? I know the things are cheaper there but.....

Thank you advance for your help.
And perhaps we can get together when we get there for a lunch.


Kimberly my husband is Canadian and we have lived here 7 years. Definitely rent / hotel for a week to look around. Please do not rent sight unseen. Closer to centro higher the rents. If you want to venture out even a little we recommend a car. Friends just arrived from Edmonton. I found them a rental yesterday. They are Korean but to find the specialty markets they would be in Queretaro so another advantage in a car.

Happy to help.


Thank you Sonia. The information is very helpful. I will definitely check your blog for further infor. I am grateful for your support and I would like to meet you in person to thank you appropriately. Sincerely, Kimberly

Look forward in meeting and happy to help.



Hi Sonia,

We are going to arrive in San Miguel at 7:20 pm, Oct 14th yet I am still looking for a home. I was wondering you could help me to find a hotel for us for few days. I have contacted few places for rent the home but not sure if its wise to make a commitment without actually looking at the place. Or perhaps you know someone who owns the home for the short terms, weekly? Until we find the place.... Please help!

Thank you.


When we came down for the closing on our home we stayed at the Hotel Quinto de Loreto before we took possession. It is in Centro and reasonable. There are many places to stay in SMA so you may also want to check Air B&B. But before you put any money down you need to look at the map and make sure it will work for you. Likely you want to be within walking distance of the Jardine (the Jardine is uphill so take that into account when looking at distance)
I live in Los Frailes/La Canada and do not own a car. The buses go everywhere you want to go and are $5p per trip. Parking is often a nightmare here. But it really depends on your interest. If you venture out of town a lot (we do not) a car would be Important.
Good luck, and I hope to run in to you on your visit.

Kimberly in SMA price range varies dramatically for accommodations. So price is a major factor. On Hidalgo a block from the main plaza are hotels from $40 a night to $400. The lower cost ones are clean, basic and 5 minutes from the plaza.

One person mentioned Hotel Loretto and that works too. It is about 12 minutes to jardine walking.

I would book a room for a night and then explore. Arriving mid-week you will find lots of accommodations available but since arriving later in evening likely best to have first night reserved.



Good morning Sonia,

Thank you for your message. I have booked accommodation for few days in San Miguel $30 USD and probably look for a place to move in for long terms.  Though I do have a question for you?  Is a blender expensive in Mexico? my daughter and myself are VEGAN and we make fruitty everymorning and I have a nice one but its very heavy. I am trying to minimize the excess luggage since its very expensive with airline. 

Thank you.


Hi Fred,
Thank you for your input. It's really good to know everyone is eager to help one another in this site. I would love to meet you and your wife somehow. Perhaps we d run into each other I've been told San Miguel is a small community.  Thanks. Kimberly

Blenders are a basic kitchen appliance in Mexico. You can find them everywhere. At the Tuesday market in SMA you can buy them and parts of needed, very inexpendively.

Hi Fred,

Thank you for your advise. I am counting every ounce of weight for the luggage. See you soon.


Looking forward to it. BTW fresh juice (all kinds) are readily available in SMA. el pepino (cucumber) and la zanahoria (carrot) juice is very common in restaurants until you get settled in and find that blender..

Hola! I am in San Miguel at last. It's been only two days I am here but I feel like I've been here for whole my life. Everything is what I have expected, actually more. So far, I love the whether and the food....i am still not used to pesos but it seemed unbeliebably cheap. Need to find a place to settle in and register the language class. Thank you all for the support and take your time to send me the information. I hope to see all of you in person. Please advice me anything I should know here. Buenos Dias !

You may want to check out the class I am now in. Mom, Wed, and Friday. From Noon to 1pm. It is free and set up for beginners and intermediate English speakers.  The teacher is Terri Vega and it is held at the Biblioteca. Ask anyone for directions it is very easy to find.

Hi Fred, thank you for your advice on language class. We would love to join you on Monday. Please let me know what do we need to bring to the registration. Thank you. See you on Monday. Kimberly and Christina