
Northern Luzon?

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This is my first post here, I never thought I would ever look into retiring in the PI! I was stationed at Clark for 8 years total in the 80's. My wife is from Pangasanan so I am looking at northern Luzon. Actually way far up north. I found Baguio super nice but the prices are way way too high for me. I want to ask if anyone lives up north? Most of the cities are down low in valley's rather than mountains. I used Wiki to look at Laoag, Ilagan, Tuguegarao and Santiago. I'm thinking small farm to stay busy and make a little cash too.
So any info on north Luzon would be appreciated.
Thanks duder

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My wife's family is centered in Ilocos Sur, 20 minutes south of Vigan, a sweet old Spanish capital city.  Except for around Laoag there is very little commercialization further north.  Low surf and a lot of rocky beaches are not much fun.  Laoag used to be a good international airport, but they no longer fly to Hong Kong from Laoag.  I have seen plenty of rice fields and fruit trees, but I can't tell you anything current about it.  I have seen a few westerners and some Japanese around the hotels, but there are few ex-pats actually living in the area.  I will be there in November, 2014, hope to see you then.


Thanks Mugtech for the reply.
  I traveled around a little when I was there, but the AF had most of the place off limits to us. I made it to Wallace Air Station once, the farthest north I went.  Baguio is nice but everyone is living on top of each other, beautiful though.
  I looked on the Internet at land and houses and they are way more expensive than Florida. I heard to go to banks in person to check out foreclosures, which are suppose to be cheaper. When I was at Clark in the 80's a large 4/2 house was $5,000. my thinking is a smaller out lying city would have much cheaper property costs.
  I'm curios to see what people suggest to do for finding land or a house.

Thanks again...duder



My name is Charlie and I arrived here in the Philippines on Nov 8, 2010 waiting, at that time, for my fiancee. We had also considered Baguio, and like yourself, we felt that we could spend our money better in La Union Province so we are now living in Bauang. We found a very nice house here and are now in our third year. I don't know how you feel about the La Union Province but we've been pleased thus far. We've met and American and his filipina wife and they had to get married again here because they were in retired status. They built a home here in the La Union province living not too far from us. A very nice spot and an even better home for a very decent price.

My wife and I met in Kuwait. We saved the majority of our money and together were able to pay cash for a very nice home. But we really sacrificed while we were there; however it paid off. I remember earlier this year things were really tough financially and if we would have had a mortgage that would have been the straw to break the camel's back. We would have surely lost our home.
Anyway you should consider the La Union Province for several reasons: It's probably the most peaceful province in all the Philippines; The Bauang Police station was #2 station in all the Philippines; A good mixture of expats here and a very decent  and functioning VFW where people help one another; The transportation system is excellent; Traveling time and distance to cities like Dau and Angeles is minimal, etc.
If you would like to talk to me personally my number is +639476098564. Look forward to hearing from you and good luck.


I spent 4 years in Afghanistan and almost got killed last year so I came home. I have tried to get rid of my bills here but it cost so much just to breath. I have been looking for a job 9 months now and nothing, it is getting very bad here now. So I am trying to figure a way out. I think I could work out some sort of retirement but would like a back up plan like a small business, but that can be a headache.
  I have a bad feeling that these countries where retirees collect at may have a change of heart when they run out of money. To tax foriegners is a good way to raise money while the citizens wouldn't care. Kind of like taxing the rich. I think as the global economies start to implode you will see this. But then smaller more backward countries may not be affected so bad.
  My other option is to buy land here in Florida and put a large shed on it and convert it to a house. 5 acres run about 25000 here,
Charlie thanks for the info, lots to think about.



I've been up to La Union quite a bit, its nice and quieter, and close enough to Subic.

But if your moving and need to rely on local business or farm, would warn against it. Neither is going to provide much in way of money unless you plan on subsistence living. Really need to have enough from a pension before moving here. You have support in the US, none in the phils.


What you've said is true and I totally agree with your comments. I have a friend and his wife who raised pigs. He was approached by some city official with a gun put to his head and told that he had to shut down his business or else. You're right about Americans living here not having much or anything remotely looking like a good support system because here our hands are tied. Thanks for the info friend.


Duder - also remember that only your wife can own land. And if your looking for cheap, probably means there are title issues. Going to bank and trying to buy foreclosed properties is difficult unless you can prove the bank has good title. There is no title insurance here.

I would highly suggest renting for a while before buying property.


on the money 100%


Nice report on La Union Charlie....thank you. I just may check it out myself.


I have heard stories about people getting pushed out of business, but then heard people doing very well and no problems at all.
I am a closet farmer and like gardening and animals, I like to grow stuff and figured to sell some. I can't see living there with nothing to do.
My wife is still not too keen on living there. She wants to come vacation next spring, I am waiting to see what happens with my job, I am in Afghanistan again and my contract ends March.

Now we have this Obamacare starting up and people are already broke. I have relatives bairly hanging on now, this will push a lot of people over the edge. I really fear the country is going to revolt before too long.
I have been preping just in case. Crime is really really bad in some places. People are cutting down power lines to get the copper wire.

I probably won't be able to leave my kids behind, just worry about them.
Well its a lot to think about...
thanks for the relies!


Well, if your broke in the US, you will be dead in the Phils. There is no safety net.

People will steal anything of value whether in US or Philippines. About killed myself while riding my motorcycle on EDSA (main road through Manila), they stole the manhole covers and no one bothered to put up a cone (prob stole it).  Of course the biggest crooks here are the politicians - well same as the US but they are less subtle here.


Well I am back again.
I changed jobs and I am now in Korea. I am hoping to make a trip this fall. I'll only have maybe 10 days there so hopefully we get to travel around a little. I want to try and get up to the north end of Luzon and check it out. See how it feels and see whats there. Just kind of playing it by ear, subject to change by the wife.


Duder wrote:

Well I am back again.
I changed jobs and I am now in Korea. I am hoping to make a trip this fall. I'll only have maybe 10 days there so hopefully we get to travel around a little. I want to try and get up to the north end of Luzon and check it out. See how it feels and see whats there. Just kind of playing it by ear, subject to change by the wife.

Let me know when, will be there about 20 days beginning of November 2014


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Henry wrote:

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Too expensive


Henry wrote:

also offering long term rates if you are interested, get in contact with us

thanx much


Duder wrote:

I spent 4 years in Afghanistan and almost got killed last year so I came home. I have tried to get rid of my bills here but it cost so much just to breath. I have been looking for a job 9 months now and nothing, it is getting very bad here now. So I am trying to figure a way out. I think I could work out some sort of retirement but would like a back up plan like a small business, but that can be a headache.
  I have a bad feeling that these countries where retirees collect at may have a change of heart when they run out of money. To tax foriegners is a good way to raise money while the citizens wouldn't care. Kind of like taxing the rich. I think as the global economies start to implode you will see this. But then smaller more backward countries may not be affected so bad.
  My other option is to buy land here in Florida and put a large shed on it and convert it to a house. 5 acres run about 25000 here,
Charlie thanks for the info, lots to think about.

One things for sure you're not going to get 2 hectres of land in a decent area in the Philippines for 25,000 dollars unless it is in an extremely remote area...I would stick with Florida...I have a home in Sarasota County and am considering moving back there because of the corruption, skyrocketing prices of food and land, bad medical care in the Philippines...Just too much deceit and greed and the Philippines now...


Sorry to hear that Vetretreat.  Hope you don't have to go through the spousal visa process.


My advice to anyone coming to the Philippines has always been rent first and for quite awhile before you think of buying anywhere. What seems good for a week or two gets real difficult after 6 months. My wife's family is Ilocano (Badoc, to be specific). Wonderful place to visit, even an extended stay. I could never live there. Too many relatives, one issue. Second, I am 62 years old, set in my ways, and like a few of my Kano comforts. I can enjoy the provinces, but sooner or later I crave my sour kraut and sausage, a shot of amaretto, etc. Manila I seem to understand how to operate. Tacloban, not so much. My Philippine rule is: Never lock your self into something you can't change easily. Stay flexable and you'll stay happy.


I'm getting such great advice here! I'll be moving to the Cebu area in November-December. Renting of course. I stayed in a few of those condos that have sprung up everywhere. I wouldn't live in one myself, but, may be a good investment. In terms of where to live, I had not thought about the fact that at some point the provinces may be a little TOO off the beaten path and a little bit of western lifestyle may be what's in store. Good to think about that!


Hello my name is Ken and I am looking into La union to live after July 2014 when I receive my pension but after I pay my insurance I will only have around $800 a month, is it possible to live there on this amount, I am alone, I now live in Kampot, Cambodia but not looking to stay here, I have visited many places in the Philippines such as Subic, Bahol, Bacolod, Samar, Cebu, Leyte etc, but still looking cause a friend of mine retires next year and he is Philippino-American and will retire in Philippines, he will be looking for a wife I will just be looking for a good life in retirement.


Hi ,
I am an Aussie with gf from Iloco Sur and we are currently in thailand,but will move to Phils in the next 12=24 months.
I have a friend who says it is very nice up the area you were thinking - have you managed to get there yet.?
If so, would enjoy hearing reports from you as to what is it like.


mogo51 wrote:

Hi ,
I am an Aussie with gf from Iloco Sur and we are currently in thailand,but will move to Phils in the next 12=24 months.
I have a friend who says it is very nice up the area you were thinking - have you managed to get there yet.?
If so, would enjoy hearing reports from you as to what is it like.

My wife and I have a house in central Ilocos Sur, about 20 minutes south of Vigan,
Just spent 21 days there in November, please ask any questions you may have.


Thanks for the reply.  We are both in Thailand and my Filipino gf works here for last 7 years.  I am a little concerned about the military thing here and I believe it will get worse before it gets better.  I would move to Phils tomorrow but she wants to teach a bit longer.
She is from an area an hour or so out of Candon City, her parents are aged but still there, other family, dont want to be too close. But she tells me Vigan is a beautiful City?
Could you tell me a few things, near to the beaches, cost of living including accommodation long term costs (we would be seeking 2/3 b/room, 1 or 2 bathrooms, western kitchen, etc, in preferably gated community (or safe area), safety issues if any, and whether there are some places where westerners gather for a chat and a beer?  Your overall satisfaction of the area. We would rent first and need furnished accommodation.
That would be most appreciated.
We are both mature aged and not into discos and rubbish, but a few nice restaurants would be nice.  Cost of dining out:Thank you.


Vigan, the capital, is a beautiful old Spanish city.  There are some good restaurants in and around Vigan the usual Filipino fast food, Chow King and Jolliebee, plus others with a whole price range from under $5 (US) to over $20 for Max's, a chain all over Luzon and available on Oahu, Hawaii.  The beaches are somewhat stony until you go north of Vigan, and waves are very small, almost non existent.  This is the province, so I know of no gated communities, very few westerners, saw no one my last trip.  We westernized our entire house, so I cannot tell you much about renting, but you have the right idea as far as checking out an area first.  I found the people to be very friendly and shy at first, but once the kids find out you have a chocolate connection you will never feel lonely.  We are returning in October, 2016, so let me know when you might show up.  It is a $17 and at least 9 hour bus ride from Manila to our place, and we do have an extra guest room and shower available.  I am sure checking it out for yourself would be best.  Your wife as a Filipino citizen over age 60 can get a senior discount ticket, very helpful and worth taking the time to get it.  Good Luck!!


Thanks so much for your reply again.  You confirm much of what I have read and seen on internet about Vigan, does seem a lovely place, so much history there it seems.
My wife is on 50, I am the oldie in the team, 64 last month.  I am not worried so much about gated areas up there, I am told they really don't exist and not necessary. I saw from a map there is a SM mall also in Vigan?
I did see a nice apartment complex on internet just a few minutes ago that looks really nice, with pools etc. that might be of interest to us also.
Is getting around there on public transport ok, not sure I want to start driving over there, we are on tje other side of the road where I am from Australia.


The local Jeepney service is almost non-existent these days, and there are fewer local buses than 6 years ago.  There are tricycles available for short hauls and very crowded vans are mostly what is available.  The big buses that run from Laoag, Ilocos Norte, to Manila can be contacted and flagged down on the national highway to go between their scheduled stops, one of which is Vigan.  Partas worked best for us, plus we have family working for them.  I agree about not driving, will not be doing that at all. Just last month had a nephew on a motorcycle killed by a dump truck.


Thanks again for your post.  I drive and ride in Thailand and it is often scary and downright dangerous. To be on the wrong side of the road for me after 40 plus years on the other side, just not sit well with me.
My gf knows of Partas buses and says they are quite good.  I am not sure whether you answered this, is there a Robinson Mall in Vigan, I think I saw it on a map?
Up early this morning as usual, gf leaves for her teaching job. I do appreciate your time.
Browsing the net, it seems there are quite a few estates being build around Vigan?
Have a good day.


They call them malls, but they are nothing like the malls in and around Manila.  There is a mall on the national highway further south in Narvacon, but it is just a few department stores, cheap restaurants and a bank.  More like a glorified strip mall by western standards.
Not sure about the mall in Vigan, my wife does not like me to go shopping with her as my white face compromises her bargaining position.  I get to go grocery shopping, and there is a nice big super grocery right outside Vigan with more help than you will ever need.  Also Two Brothers store in Vigan gives a better exchange rate for cash as long as you have 5 or less big ($100) bills, usually a half peso per dollar more than the banks.  When I cashed in $400 I got more than 200 pesos more than the bank was offering and a shorter line, less paperwork, also one guard.


Thank you again, you are really helping me build a picture of the place.  I have watched some videos on U Tube and the place is really beautiful (even allowing for only being shown the popular places).   I watched a video on the wet market and it is very similar to Thailand, but seems to have a bit more variety of food.
My gf and I live about 40,000bht month (about 55k pesos), I own a house here (trying to sell) but fees associated with maintenance, management etc are about 5000bht month (4000pesos).  From a check of web, I am thinking maybe 10k pesos month for a modest residence (unit or small house), would that be about the right amount?
We live well, dine out a couple of.times a week (cheap but nice restaurants).  A few beers with friends,good food,electricity etc. car and bike expenses, medical fees etc.
How often to you go to Vigan and when there how long do you stay, are there any little bars where you can sit and have a beer maybe watch the water, that sort of thing.  I love to walk along fhe foreshore and watch the world go by.


Usually go to Vigan once a week and make a day of it, stocking up for the week.  During Christmas season, which starts about November first, they have a beautiful lights, water and music show at the public fountain from 7:30 to 8PM for free.  There are plenty of bars to hang out with a beer at most of the shores or right in town, but I do not drink so I can not give you any details.  There are rather cheap internet cafes also, and there was a 4 or 6 hour blackout once a week back in November.  My wife tells me she thinks the closest SM Mall is in either La Union or Pangasinan province,  south of Ilocos Sur.


I seem to keep thanking you but you have helped a great deal with my deliberations.  I do like the sound of the area,I am also going to check out Candon City area.
I like Subic but the cost of accommodation is off the scale.  San Fernando is a bit questionable safety wise I am told.
Thailand is starting to take on some minuses, the Junta is starting to beat its chest and they appear to be an awakening  bear and that worries me.
My gf is putting her youngest through Accounting and he will finish in a few months.  She will continue to help him till he finds work, possibly overseas.  Then selling my house here will not be all that easy in the current climate, we already have it on the market, but just nothing happening here. Russians are all cancelling their holidays and condo purchases due to the crash of the Ruble.
It seems to me that is challenging times again all over the world.


Doesn't look like the crash of the Russian ruble will have any effect in the Philippines, but I can sympathize with the real estate problem in Thailand, could last for years.


Well there is another plus for Phils, no Russians!!!


Why would you bother living in expensive and troublesome Third World countries and not move to a cheap First World country with superb mild climate such as Azores?


There are a number of reasons, firstly, my gf is Filipino and will soon be a grandmother, she will want time with her grandchildren.  Secondl , it is relively close to my native country and Acores puts me on the other side of the world.
Had a look at some information about the islands, seems a nice place. Hope you enjoy it.


Understandable. Azores (Pico island) always +10C to 27C but most of the time 16 to 20C and never below +10C. Not cold, not hot. No predators, no snakes, no spiders, no mosquitos, no crime, no taxes for first 8 years. Northern Luzon must be nice, not too far from East Asia. Not so sure about safety there? Mail theft? Personal safety concerns? Hot and humid? Snakes? Malaria? Kidnapping?



Understandable. Azores (Pico island) always +10C to 27C but most of the time 16 to 20C and never below +10C. Not cold, not hot. No predators, no snakes, no spiders, no mosquitos, no crime, no taxes for first 8 years. Northern Luzon must be nice, not too far from East Asia. Not so sure about safety there? Mail theft? Personal safety concerns? Hot and humid? Snakes? Malaria? Kidnapping?

If I were going to live on isolated islands like the Azores, I would prefer Hawaii.
If Azores is so great, why is it not popular with expats?


The possible cons of Azores (with some people) may be:

- Expensive to get to, may cost about $1000 roundtrip
- Too "cold" in summer, or rather not enough heat as it rarely gets over 25C
- No sandy beaches
- Local government keeps it a secret and low profile to preserve the traditional way of life
- Perhaps some people are scared of a dormant volcano?
- Scared of earthquakes, which almost never happen here
- Not enough shopping and eat out opportunities and places
- Too far away from the mainland, a 2 hour flight to Lisbon and a 4 hour flight to Boston (so is Hawaii)
- Not hot enough? Did I mention, not hot enough and no sandy beaches? Oh, I did... :-) So is Bogota, Colombia :-)
- People think this is Atlantis and it may sink again?
- You name the rest of reasons

There are expats here, but Pico island has 15T inhabitants, while São Miguel has over 130T inhabitants

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