I seem to be posting a lot over the last 24hrs, you are all very helpful individuals.
Another couple of questions of help me if possible.
1. Has anyone got any rough costing to hire removals to bring my items over from the UK- I know this is a like asking how long a piece of string is, however all I require is a very rough costing, based possibly on your own circumstances.
2. I have a Dalmatian dog that is 3 yrs old, I have read the post on importing animals which is very helpful, however again, I was wondering what a rough cost for this would be. Injections I understand are as per vet prices so again maybe rough cost on your own circumstances.
Any help or assistance would be greatly received in this very very stressful moment of mu life.
I cant wait to get to get to Bahrain, if the offer of employment is as it should be this next week or so.
Look forward to meeting some of you in the not so distant future.
Hi Again,
1. It will all depend on what you bring with you and how big your container is. We brought 3 or 4 items of furniture I couldnt bear to part with; some personal items and all of my 3 boys toys, computers etc - I recall it was about £2000 door to door but I will check again. We used a company that shrink wrapped everything so it was smaller. If your company is paying for your shipping I would recommend you bring as much as possible - furniture, bedding etc out here are very expensive and frankly most of it is awful. It will of course depend upon the villa/apartment you choose to live in. If you are coming out for an interview it may be worth visiting some properties in the area you want to live in and getting an idea of size, price, furnished , unfurnished etc.
2. We have a chocolate labrador. It cost us just short of £2000 to get her here. That included her vaccinations, all vet papers, boarding in the UK for 3 weeks (because we were waiting for her last rabies injection to be ready and I didnt want her here until we had settled properly into our new home), her crate, shipping on the airline (BA on a day flight) and paying the agent here to bring her in and deliver her to us. I imagine your dog is pretty much the same size as ours and it does depend on their size.
Hope that helps. It is stressful but we have all been through it and survived and can give you as much help as you need.
Good luck