Questions on Gibraltar


We are thinking of moving to either Gibraltar or Australia, by we I mean myself,wife,3 year old daughter and anytime now we should have a baby girl :)

I have just a few questions.

Im currently Self Employed as a general builder, qualified plumber and Plasterer, What is the current work climate like in Gib at the moment.

Rental or Buy?: what is the current rental prices for say an average 2-3 bed house or apartment? Also what are current house prices to buy like?

most importantly: schooling - over in UK my daughter currently attends playschool which is funded as is everyone's child who is 3 years plus. can someone please explain the differences there may be between Gib and Here please with regards to Schooling, hospital, taxes and the general things that a family needs to know before making a decision to move.




First lets look at the work situation, there are thousands of Spaniards and Romanians with your skills looking for work at very low hourly rates and Gib is a very attractive place.

With reference to your other questions if you check previous posts you should find most if not all the answers.

Sorry if this sounds a bit negative



OK, my partner works in construction. Has done in Aus too. Have you done the Aus test? Not sure you would get in these days, they are pretty tight on skills now.

There is work in Gib in construction. You need to live in Gib to be able to get it though so that means expensive rental or buying a property.

If you want to go self-employed it isn't easy. Current craft rates, agreed by the union are 7.47 an hour.  Bet you get more than that in the UK

I normally agree with Grumpy but, there are not thousands of LEGAL people from over the frontier looking for work because they can't get it.  There are loads of illegal workers coming across the border and that is the problem. It's a complex issue and not worth getting into.

You can work both s/e and paye in gib quite easily. Setting up a business in Gib without contacts is a non-starter. 

Working for a firm means you will get your residence card, your health card and free schooling. Producing self employed papers is a PITA.

You should get a job.  But only if you are willing to work for someone else. The firm my partner is working on needs extra workers, but a lot of the so-called skilled (because they aren't/ they have no trade papers) Spaniards are basically labouring right now slopping concrete around.

You will need to approach firms directly. The job centre disregards anyone who doesn't have a Gibbo surname eg Garcia Gonzalex, whatever.

Rental prices in our block are 750/900 a month.  For a two bed flat. If you are rich you may make a house, otherwise settle for a flat.  Buying is under 100K for Ocean Heights or Both World, usually min 125K for city (one bed) prob 150K for two.

I've covered health and schools, taxes are either allowance based or 20%. Once you switch to 20% you can't go back.

Anything else? Hopefully I've saved you the look back over previous posts. Mail me if you want to know more re construction work.