Relocating to Gibraltar - Shipping stuff

Hello people,

After 7 years in Japan, I am about to relocate to Gibraltar. I need to ship a ton of stuff there and of course I would like to do that cheaply... this means SLOW. Now, as I don't think I'll retain my current Gibraltar address for long, is there any place I can send my stuff to, so that I can collect it when it arrives?



If you are using a shipping company they or their agents in Gibraltar will have warehouse facilities.

All goods entering Gibraltar are subject to customs inspection and must be cleared or pay duty.

Personal items are generally duty free.

Hi, I want you to know that I am here in Gib now.
I discovered that the cheapest way to have your stuff in Gib is to send it to the post office. Contact the post office in Gib (google it for the email) and tell them you will collect your stuff once it will get there... I shipped lots of stuff from Japan at a fraction of the price I would have paid if I had used one of those expensive moving services.